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Victorian Illustrated Shakespeare Archive

30 November 2016

New digital archive features more than 3,000 digitized illustrations from Shakespeare's complete works.

Book cover of latest Richard Gwyn book Ciudades y recuerdos

Viva The Other Tiger

23 November 2016

21st Century’s first bilingual Latin American poetry anthology launches in Mexico

US Election: Insurgence or collapse?

18 November 2016

US Election: Insurgence or collapse? Philosopher’s insight shakes up Twitter

New programmes launched for 2017

15 November 2016

Calling the next generation of wordsmiths and language experts: New programmes launched for 2017

Consultation between man and woman

Thorns and Flowers

7 November 2016

Illustrating infertility experiences of black and minority ethnic women

Modern British culture explored: The New Elizabethan Age and Verse Drama in England

31 October 2016

Leading Cardiff academics publish latest books on modern British culture and artistic expression

Fiction Fiesta 2016

Best of Latin American poetry comes to Wales

13 October 2016

Fiction Fiesta 2016 lands in Cardiff during One World Week

sculpture of Aristotle

Science Café talks Aristotle

10 October 2016

Cardiff University academics contribute to BBC Radio Wales’ Science Cafe

BAVS 2016

Consuming (the) Victorians: BAVS 2016

31 August 2016

The annual British Association for Victorian Studies (BAVS) conference comes to Cardiff.


Fright of your life

25 August 2016

World premiere for Cardiff academic’s supernatural thriller