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DRUM app setup and user guide

  • Last updated:

You can download the DRUM app onto an Android tablet running Android 21 or higher.

App initial setup

  1. The tablet must have an internet connection during set-up, to allow session files to be downloaded during initial start-up.
  2. The tablet should have an internet connection during use, to allow auto-upload of user data. This will require setting up at the user's location. Alternatively, the device could be returned to a known WiFi connection or manual extraction over USB could be used.
  3. The DRUM app Android (APK) file will be provided to you by the Cardiff University (CU) team and can be imported on the tablet as described in this user guide.
  4. All other session assets, including audio and timing files, are stored on a Google Firebase account and are downloaded onto the tablet once the DRUM app has been set up as described below.

Importing the app APK file

To set up the app for the first time:

  1. Connect the tablet to a Windows PC.
  2. To Windows, the tablet will appear as a new drive with the name of the tablet as the vendor, such as Samsung or TbooK.
  3. Using Windows, you may open the 'Internal storage drive' and locate the folder labelled 'Download'.

Installing the app

To install and run the tablet:

  1. Place the APK file provided by CU into the Downloads folder.
  2. Using the tablet, use the default file manager to navigate to 'Downloads', and install it by tapping it. You must allow any permissions for the app, such as 'Internet', 'Vibration', 'File storage', and 'Network'.
  3. When the installation is complete, do not open the app. Additional permissions need to be set to allow the app to set up necessary files and folders on the first startup.

To set additional permissions:

  1. Exit the DRUM app and go into 'Settings'. On the recommended Samsung tablet, this is accessed through the 'Settings' icon on the top-down menu.
  2. Change the app permissions to disable 'Remove permissions if app isn't used' by following the path:  Apps > DRUM app > Permissions >  Remove permissions if app isn't used.
  3. Allow management of files by following the path: Apps > DRUM app > Permissions >  Files and media > Allow management of all files.

Downloading session files

To download the session files:

  1. Ensure your device has an internet connection and the file permissions have been set.
  2. Open the app where you will see the warning message 'Working folder not found' appear.
  3. Tap the 'Download?' button to download your files. This may take a few minutes.
  4. Your patient data folder will now have been created and all music and data files will be in the 'Downloads directory'. If files have downloaded correctly, you will see an 'All files downloaded ok' message, and the Home Screen will be displayed.
  5. Accept any requests for permissions that pop up, such as  'Vibration',  'File', 'Internet', and 'Network'.
  6. The download can be re-attempted with the 'Download missing files' button.

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Document title:DRUM app setup and user guide
Author(s):Dr Claudia Metzler-Baddeley