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DLQI app privacy policy

Policy statement

Your privacy is important to us and this notice sets out the information that will be collected in your use of the DLQI app and what it will be used for. We will not use or share your information other than as described in this policy.

Usage data

We collect anonymous crash information via Sentry which includes device make, model, OS version, IP address and crash information. We collect this information to help us improve the user experience of the app. This information is not held in a way in which individual users can be reasonably identified and there is no need for us to do so. In any event, the information is stored securely and accessible to those who require it for review of app usage.

Google/Apple may collect app usage statistics and crash information and you can find out how they use your data as part of the terms & conditions of the Play Store and App store.

App created data

All the information you provide in completing the questionnaire is stored locally on your device and limited to just the results of the questionnaire. We do not collect, store or process and are unable to access any information entered into the questionnaire. You have control of the completed questionnaire and can share it as required. Should you decide to share the questionnaire, we advise that you take steps to keep your information secure however we can assume no responsibility for the security of any such sharing.


If you have any questions on the app or the questionnaire please contact us at