Japanese Legal System and Legal Consciousness: In the Era of Transition
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The third event in the Japanese Seminar Series 2017-18 at the School of Modern Languages, with guest speaker Tatsuya Ito who is a visiting academic at Cardiff School of Law and Politics.
A wine reception will follow from 17:00. Please register your attendance below for catering purposes.
It is said that today’s Japanese legal system is based essentially on both continental (French and German) and Anglo-American legal structures. During the last two decades, there have been some fundamental reforms of the system, such as the establishment of the saiban-in system, a system for lay participation in the criminal trials for serious cases. There remains, however, a legal consciousness which can be regarded as “Japaneseness” and can be seen from some statutes and court cases in Japan. This seminar, following the introduction of the Japanese legal system, will discuss the notion of “Japaneseness” through Japanese legal consciousness and will explain the dynamics of the country’s legal system today.
Tatsuya Ito has been Judge of Miyazaki District Court since 2014. In 2012, he graduated from the Kyoto University Law School where he received his Juris Doctor degree. He completed a one-year course of practical legal training at the Legal Training and Research Institute in 2013, and has heard civil and criminal cases as an Assistant Judge in a panel. He is currently a visiting academic at Cardiff School of Law and Politics.
66a Park Place
CF10 3AS