Indoor Monitoring Kits for Housing Associations
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Programme: Coffee from 10:45 am 11:00 -11:10 Welcome and Introduction by Professor Chris Tweed Head of School Welsh School of Architecture (WSA) 11:10 –11:45 Keynote Speaker:Dr Ian Walker University of Bath “Energy literacy: what do UK householders know about energy and how can we help them?”. 11:45 -12:15 Professor Chris Tweed and Dr Gloria Vargas Cardiff University, WSA “Indoor Monitoring Kits for Housing Associations to Assist Effective Operation of Dwellings in Winter and Summer” 12:15 -13:15 Questions, Lunch and Networking
Please RSVP Dr Gloria Vargas –Cardiff University, WSA
Dr Ian Walker Senior Lecturer in Psychology HSS Associate Dean (Research)Director of Studies for MResSustainable Futures University of Bath
Ian Walker is an environmental psychologist. His work on how people understand and use energy has involved such activities as the ENLITENand SoLoBristol projects, both of which explored energy use in UK social housing, and the HEAPDproject, which looks at energy use in the UK and India. He has a particular interest in how people understand energy and how they can be helped to use it less, or at different times -especially when not motivated by environmental concern.
Professor Chris Tweed Head of School / Chair in Sustainable Design Welsh School of Architecture Cardiff University
Chris Tweed has more than 30 years of experience researching and teaching architecture, information technologies, energy conservation and sustainable design of the built environment. He was appointed Chair in Sustainable Design and Director of the BRETrust Centre for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SuDoBE) in 2007. Chris’s research work is focused on the interface between people, the built environment and its technologies, and on how people experience the built environment with a particular emphasis on thermal experience and comfort.
Indoor Monitoring Kits for Housing Associations to Assist Effective Operation of Dwellings in Winter and Summer The main aim of this research project is to help people to understand better how dwellings work, how to get the best from them and to generate a change in householders’ knowledge, perception and behaviour at home. This project presents results from the analysis of a nine houses located in south Wales. Outcomes from summer and winter measurements of air temperature, air humidity, indoor air quality and energy use are presented along with people’s experiences with monitoring technology to learn about condensation and thermal comfort issues at home.
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King Edward VII Avenue
CF10 3NB