When the sea-level rises...the UK villages lost to the sea
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Speaker: Claire Earlie (Cardiff)
The 2018-2019 monthly Tuesday evening lectures in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences will be held in the Wallace Lecture Theatre (0.13), Main Building, Cardiff University, Park Place, CF10 3AT. Lectures begin at 18.30. Booking is not needed. Should you require the QandA sessions to be in Welsh, please email edwardsd2@cardiff.ac.uk at least two weeks before the event.
Current concerns on the effects of temperature increases on sea levels today have drawn attention to the recognition of past changes, the consideration of the processes involved and the consequences of such changes, all of which have resulted in predictions of impacts in the future. The lecture series will cover some of these issues.
The UK Villages lost to the sea
Since Roman times the UK coastline has lost over 40 villages to the sea. The soft rock geology along particular stretches of the British coastline, coupled with the erosive forces of North Atlantic and North Sea waves have meant that historic seaside villages and towns now lay silent, buried under the sea floor.
In this talk Claire will present some of the most dramatic examples of the UK’s lost villages over the last 800 years. Looking towards the coastal zone in south-west UK and Ireland, Claire will present recent research on how rising sea levels, extreme waves and storminess influences our UK coastlines.
Main Building
Park Place
CF10 3AT