Fan Studies Network 2018 Conference
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Keynote Speakers:
Dr Mark Duffett, Reader, University of Chester, UK
Professor C. Lee Harrington, Miami University, USA
As our global network continues to grow, with inaugural conferences held for FSN Australasia in 2017 and FSN North America hosting an event in October 2018, we are delighted to announce that the sixth annual Fan Studies Network Conference is taking place at the School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies (JOMEC) at Cardiff University in the UK. Offering a diverse two-day programme during June 2018, the conference will find its home in a city already well-known as a destination for fans of television shows such as Doctor Who, Torchwood, andSherlock. The conference will continue FSN’s long-standing tradition of offering an enthusiastic space for interdisciplinary researchers at all career stages to connect, share resources, and further develop their research ideas. In addition to panel presentations, the two days will feature a variety of social events, workshop discussions, and our famous speed-geeking sessions.
We are delighted to welcome Dr Mark Duffett and Professor C. Lee Harrington as our keynote speakers. Mark is the author of Understanding Fandom (Bloomsbury, 2013) and Elvis Presley(Equinox Press, 2017) and editor of Popular Music Fandom(Routledge, 2014) and Fan Identities and Practices in Context(Routledge, 2016). C. Lee Harrington, with Denise D. Bielby, is the author of Soap Fans: Pursuing Pleasure and Making Meaning in Everyday Life (Temple University Press, 1995) and Global TV: Exporting Television and Culture in the World Market (New York University Press, 2008). She is also the co‐editor of several anthologies on popular culture, fan studies, soap opera, and aging and media. We are very excited to have both speakers as keynotes for FSN2018.
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