5th Cardiff Symposium of Applied Linguistics and Japanese Language Pedagogy
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Sponsored by the Japan Foundation as part of the Sakura Network, the School of Modern Languages is hosting the 5th Cardiff Symposium on Applied Linguistics and Japanese Language Pedagogy. The two-day symposium will welcome two distinguished guest speakers from the areas of Applied Linguistics and Language Pedagogy. Most of the event will be delivered in the medium of Japanese.
The theme of the Cardiff symposium is the ‘Exploration in Researched Language Pedagogy: Taking an Applied Linguistic Approach to Language Pedagogy’. This year’s special issues for exploration are “establishing the dialogue between the practitioners for Japanese language pedagogy” aiming at establishing research-led language pedagogy.
Keynote speakers
Dr Manami Yagi (Professor at Surugadai University)
Professor Li Wei (Chair of Applied Linguistics at UCL Institute of Education)
Dr Nishiguchi will also deliver his invited talk in this symposium.
Please see the programme for further information.
Registration is mandatory by midday on Friday 31 August for catering purposes. A fee of £30 is payable on the day (£20 for the one day sessions only).
66a Park Place
CF10 3AS