The Employment Rights Bill 2024: Regulating for Positive Change
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The UK Government introduced a new Employment Rights Bill to the House of Commons on 10 October 2024. Consultation on the regulatory reforms contained in the Bill will take place in late 2024 and throughout 2025, with reforms taking effect no earlier than 2026.
In this Breakfast Briefing, Nisreen Mansour of the Wales TUC will give an overview of the regulatory change we can expect, and Jean Jenkins, Cardiff Business School, will discuss a new approach to employment rights signified by the Bill i.e. a clear change in tone around employment rights for workers, especially those at the margin of formal contractual relationships. The Bill also recognises the legitimacy of collective representation of workers’ interests in good employment. While all change inevitably brings anxiety, this Briefing will unpick what really matters in this regulatory change and reflect on the positive aspects of enhanced rights in employment for workers and employers alike.
Cardiff Business School Postgraduate Teaching Centre
Colum Road
CF10 3EU