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Pint of Science 2024: A celebration of Welsh science and language iaith Gymraeg

Calendar Monday, 13 May 2024
Calendar 18:30-21:30

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Pint of Science / Peint o Wyddoniaeth

Pint of Science festival events have been organised by PhD students from Cardiff University. We have speakers joining us from the School of Bioscience, School of Medicine, School of Social and Economics research, Swansea University and The University of South Wales!

Pint of Science provides a unique line up of talks, demonstrations and live experiments held in iconic bars across Cardiff. Topics range from: the science of distrust, Welsh discoveries, neuroscience, genetics, and the immune system!

Funded by Cardiff University's Doctoral Academy.

Join us for this first ever Welsh language Pint of Science, event showing that Welsh is a scientific language too! Simultaneous translation available for english speaking attendees.

Developing therapeutics for Prion diseases: Monsters vs Zombies by Dr Bedwyr ab Ion Thomas (Medicines Discovery Institute at Cardiff University)

Have you ever wondered how scientists use monsters to fight against zombies? In this presentation we’ll see how PROTACs can be used to fight against Prion diseases.

Grehlin, Dementia and Welsh in healthcare
Dr Alwena Morgan (Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry at Swansea University)

Alwena talks about the work of a research group led by Dr Jeff Davies at Swansea University investigating the benefits of calorie restriction and the role of ghrelin, a hormone in the stomach, on neurogenesis and neuroprotection.  Alwena also discusses the impact of Welsh healthcare on patients in a number of health sectors, including patient and clinician perspectives.

From the peaks to the valleys: my scientific journey 
Dr Emily Kirkham (Research Scientist at ImmunoServ)
From working on cellular biology and neurodegeneration during my PhD in Cardiff University to adjusting to working in genomics and diagnostics in industry and immunology in a biotech company. Emily shares her experience of needing to adapt and expand her knowledge to progress and continue working in the scientific sector as a Welsh person wanting to stay in Wales.

Ground floor
The Moon
3 Stryd Womanby
CF10 1BR

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