Pluralities in Brazilian Portuguese: Exploring Diversity in Language Learning in Virtual Courses
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Public lecture with Dr Cláudia Hilsdorf Rocha, State University of Campinas, CNPq, Brazil
Open to all
In this talk, Dr Cláudia Hilsdorf Rocha explores the concept of Language MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and presents the current challenges for research and educational practice in this field. She also situates the discussion by presenting the main features of Pluralidades em Português Brasileiro, a LMOOC focused on reading and listening skills for intermediate learners of Portuguese as a foreign language. The course is guided by the notions of language as a situated and context-bound practice and of learning as a collaborative process of reshaping knowledges and meanings. The interconnected presence of a multiplicity of multimodal resources – such as written and oral language, images and videos - a central characteristic of the course design, represents a move towards the recognition of modes other than language as constitutive elements in communication and learning in foreign language courses. As part of the presentation, Dr Hilsdorf Rocha also discusses the multimodal design of the MOOC in order to approach the challenge to create Language MOOCs aimed at the learning of oral academic literacies in present times.
Some of the event may involve Portuguese as well as English, for example during the Q&A.
About the speaker
Cláudia Hilsdorf Rocha is Associate Professor at the Applied Linguistics Department, University of Campinas, Brazil. She holds a PhD degree in Applied Linguistics and her main field of interest includes foreign language teaching and learning, literacies and education technology. She presently holds a research productivity scholarship granted by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and her current research is on translanguaging, oral academic literacies, and foreign language learning in digital environments.
Event format & recording
The event will take place in person and will be recorded for publication after the event.
Simultaneous translation
The event will be delivered in the medium of English. You are welcome to ask questions in the medium of Welsh during the Q&A session. If you intend to do this, please contact by Thursday 18 April to request simultaneous translation.
Please note that 10% or more of those planning to attend will need to request this provision in order for it to be sourced and will be subject to resource availability.
Please register for the event.
Risk assessment
A risk assessment has been conducted for this event. If you would like to see a copy of the risk assessment, email
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