Cardiff University Conference on Medieval Wales
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In this innovative conference held by the School of History, Archaeology and Religion and the School of Welsh, with support from the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, speakers from a range of disciplines (including history, archaeology and literature) will present papers on the most recent research on medieval Wales.
Saturday 13 April
9:30-10:00: Registration
10:00-11:30: Session 1
- Gwenffrewi Morgan, ‘Periodising Environmentally in High-Medieval Past-Writing: Time, Environment and Agency’
- Thomas Clancy, ‘An unlikely ally? The voices of women in the poetry of Dafydd ap Gwilym’
- Elisa Chiariotti, ‘Attitudes towards titling in three poetry anthologies from Medieval Wales’
11:30-11:45: Coffee
11:45-12:45: Keynote Lecture 1
Barry Lewis, ‘St Patrick in the Medieval Welsh Imagination’
12:45-13:30: Lunch
13:30-15:00: Session 2
- Rhun Emlyn, ‘“Preladiaid ein Tywysogaeth”: Clerigwyr Gwrthryfelgar Glyndŵr’ (‘“The Prelates of our Principality”: Glyndŵr’s Rebellious Clergy’) *
- Adam Chapman, ‘Both sides of the Severn Sea: Glyndŵr’s rebellion across the water’
- Gruffydd Aled Williams, ‘Blwyddgofnodion Owain Glyndŵr: ystyriaethau pellach’ (‘The Annals of Owain Glyndŵr: further considerations’) *
15:00-15:30: Coffee
15:30-17:30: Session 3
- Tudur Davies and Andy Seaman, ‘Prosiect Archaeoleg Tirwedd Castell Ffwl-y-mwn – canlyniadau o'r cloddio yn 2023’ (‘The Fonmon Castle Landscape Archaeology Project – results from the 2023 excavation’) *
- Ciara O’Brien Butler and Heather Holt, ‘Unlocking Llandough: chronology kinship and funerary commemoration’
- Tim Young, ‘In Search of Illtud’s Monastery’
- Lindy Brady, ‘Multilingualism in Medieval Wales: The Viking Age and Beyond’
Sunday 14 April
9:00-11:00: Session 4
- Ben Guy, ‘Orthographical archaeology in thirteenth-century Welsh chronicles’
- Luciana Cordo Russo, ‘The Middle Welsh Pseudo-Turpin Chronicle: Texts and Manuscripts’
- David Thornton, ‘The Last Wills of Welsh Bishops, c. 1300–c.1540’
- D. Huw Owen, ‘The lordship of Denbigh, 1282–1543: Conflict and co-existence in the late-medieval Welsh March’
11:00-11:30: Coffee
11:30-12:30: Keynote Lecture 2
Nancy Edwards, ‘The Use of Graffiti in Early Medieval Wales and Beyond’
12:30-13:30: Lunch
* These papers will be delivered in Welsh with simultaneous translation.
Cardiff University
Colum Drive
CF10 3EU