Cardiff Business School Breakfast Briefing: Cymru Can: Achieving Wales’ wellbeing goals and the role for business
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In November 2023, Derek Walker launched Cymru Can, which sets out the new strategy of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales for 2023 – 2030 and his long-term vision for Wales. In this session, the Commissioner will outline the approach he intends to take over the next seven years and gives an overview of the way the Commissioner’s team will work and measure its impact. Cymru Can outlines five missions for the Commissioner: Implementation of the Well-being of Future Generations Act; Climate & Nature; Culture; Health and Well-being Economy – and two cross cutting themes, food and digital & AI.
Wales will not achieve its Future Generations ambitions without the involvement of everyone in Wales - the public, private and voluntary sectors all working together. This session will particularly highlight how businesses in Wales are contributing to the Well-being of Future Generations Act and will provide you with ideas to help your organisation actively contribute to Wales’ well-being goals.
Cardiff Business School Postgraduate Teaching Centre
Colum Road
CF10 3EU