Cardiff Business School Breakfast Briefing - Productivity in Wales: In Search of a Miracle?
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Our final Breakfast Briefing for 2023 will take place on Friday December 1st, when we will be joined by Professor Andrew Henley, Wales lead for the Productivity Institute and its Wales Productivity Forum, to pose the question, “Productivity in Wales: In Search of a Miracle?”.
Business productivity growth is essential to creating prosperity that allows workers to enjoy improvements in their standard of living and to the achievement of the wider wellbeing objectives of society. Productivity is driven, among other things, by innovation, skills, good management practices, public infrastructure and private investment decisions. However, the UK has one of highest levels of productivity dispersion in the OECD across its devolved nations and regions, with Wales sitting at or very close to the bottom of the ranking.
This Breakfast Briefing, which forms part of The Productivity Institute’s National Productivity Week, will explore the huge Welsh productivity challenge and assess the potential for future improvements. It will assess the extent to which solutions lie in the hands of businesses in Wales and Welsh business support and economic development policy, and whether UK levelling-up strategies are up to the scale of the task.
Cardiff Business School Postgraduate Teaching Centre
Colum Road
CF10 3EU