How to avoid investigating your employees
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Having staff that you can trust is a major asset of any organisation. Nobody ever wants to go there, but sometimes situations arise which seemingly necessitate some kind of ‘investigation’ to prove people are who they say they are. The problem is however that once an investigation has been triggered, trust on both sides is lost.
Over the last year, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board has been working to change how they run their employee relations investigations. Within the first six months of the programme, they have seen a major reduction in the number of investigations initiated, as well as a reduction in related employee sickness absence and significant financial savings. Most importantly, trust and respect remain intact. The success of this work has triggered Health Education and Improvement Wales to enable the created programme to be made available to all NHS Wales organisations. Research, conducted by Cardiff Business School, is currently underway to examine the impact of these processes on employees and organisations to inform better practice and policy development.
Join us to hear from Andrew Cooper (Head of the Avoidable Employee Harm Programme), Adrian Neal (Head of Employee Wellbeing) and Shelley Williams (Assistant Director of Workforce and Organisational Development) who will share their journey: why they started this work, what they’ve learnt and why they’ve concluded that employee investigations should always be used as the last resort.
Cardiff Business School Postgraduate Teaching Centre
Colum Road
CF10 3EU