Universal Basic Income: A Potential Solution to Climate Change
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What’s on offer?
This event will comprise two sections; a presentation/discussion by Bangor researchers on the topic of Universal Basic Income and Climate change, followed by a question and answer section. The question and answer session will allow the attendees to ask questions on/related to the topic discussed by the authors.
What is it about?
This event will critically discuss the idea of Universal Basic Income with a focus on how the UBI idea can help solve the current global social problem of climate change. In brief: Governments all over the world are announcing "climate and environmental crises" to draw attention to the unsustainable ways in which people have changed the earth over a few generations. The pace of global warming has delayed the onset of the next ice age and world governments have declared an emergent climate. Social scientists have analysed policies designed for the Anthropocene which Nature Sustainability research focuses on command- and-control measures like taxes, subsidies, and fines. Among these possible old policies that are seen as of potential policies to address climate change and global warming is the Universal Basic Income (UBI). Therefore, is the idea of Universal Basic Income the solution to the current emergent climate change? How do human actions and activities change the climate?
Join us as we critically explore this topic to save our planet.
Who is leading the event?
Stella Gmekpebi Gabuljah and Dr Hefin Gwylim from Bangor University's School of History, Law and Social Sciences
Who is it open to?
All are welcome to attend.
Grange Pavilion
Grange Gardens
CF11 7LJ