Opening doors on and offline: increasing access to mental health services for care-experienced young people
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What’s on offer?
The event begins with a short film that illustrates the journey of a care experienced young person when trying to access mental health services, and some of the barriers that can be encountered. This leads into a discussion of the topic which will involve an interactive element aimed to encourage participants to view mental health services through the eyes of care-experienced young people. The short film and activities are co-designed with young people.
What is it about?
The topic of discussion is the mental health needs of care-experienced young people, and the gaps and barriers to their ability to access remote mental health services. Attendees can expect to learn more about the topic and some of the current work being conducted in this area.
Who is leading the event?
Aimee Cummings, PhD Student with CASCADE at Cardiff University
Lorna Stabler, Research Associate with CASCADE at Cardiff University
Who is it open to?
Anyone is welcome to attend, but this event is better suited to anyone with an interest in the topic, especially mental health service providers, social workers, young people with care experience, or their carers.
Grange Gardens
CF11 7LJ