Foreign Jack Tars: Immigrant Sailors in Nelson’s Navy
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For January’s talk, we’re excited to welcome Dr Sara Caputo (Magdalene College, University of Cambridge) back to Cardiff, to speak on the theme of ‘Foreign Jack Tars: Immigrant Sailors in ‘Nelson’s Navy’, 1793-1815’:
During the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, many thousands of foreign seamen served in the British Royal Navy. Drawing from Caputo's forthcoming book on the subject, this talk will discuss their origins, experiences, and motivations, and the ways in which the Navy absorbed and incorporated their labour.
To book your place, visit: Foreign Jack Tars: Immigrant Sailors in Nelson's Navy, free lecture 26/1/22 Tickets, Wed 26 Jan 2022 at 19:00 | Eventbrite
We will send out a Zoom link for the event to all those who have registered. This will arrive early in the week when the talk is being held. Please note that the Zoom link will arrive via email from Dr Paul Webster not via Eventbrite. If you have not received a Zoom link by midday on 26th January, email Paul ( and he will send it on.