Planetary Health: Transformative thinking to address health challenges
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Planetary Health: Transformative thinking to address health challenges
At this event we are eager to explore concepts and ideas across disciplinary expertise and community experience; with our agenda focussed on building solutions that promote human health and wellbeing, and the mutual wellbeing of plants, animals and planetary life more widely, through shared learning and shared solutions.
- When: 12:30-4pm, Friday 19th November 2021
- Where: Online, register to receive meeting link
Guest speakers
- Professor Tony Capon, Director of Monash Sustainable Development Institute (Melbourne, Australia).
Tony has more than two decades of senior management experience consulting for global organisations on public health policy, research and education. Professor Capon also holds a Chair in Planetary Health in the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine at Monash University. - Professor Rachael Gooberman-Hill, Professor of Health and Anthropology and Director of the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute for Health Research.
Professor Gooberman-Hill's research applies techniques from anthropology in applied health research. She also works within interdisciplinary teams, which includes those delivering research in the UK and across the globe. - Professor Les Baillie, Professor of Microbiology and Project Principal Investigator of Pharmabees.
Before joining the school of Pharmacy in Cardiff, Professor Baillie worked in the US researching medical countermeasures to combat global biological threats. The Pharmabees project explores how the pollination of certain plants could lead to the development of drugs to treat serious medical conditions. - Janis Werrett, Founder of Cynon Valley Organic Adventures. Janis is the Founder and director of Cynon Valley Organic Adventures; this five-acre conservation site and community garden, facilitates green prescription services to the community and also provides skills development through accredited learning courses for all ages.
Workshops from 2:30pm
Attendees are invited to join one of the following break-out rooms. There will be an opportunity for participants to briefly introduce themselves and to suggest possibilities for future collaborations. We will also use these workshops to discuss the best ways of facilitating interdisciplinarity and shared aims to address global health and environmental challenges
- Planetary Health and Justice: Actions for addressing health inequalities, just transitions, and impacts of human health on the environment.
- Science-Society Relations: Actions for access to and use of medical, health and science knowledge, and the participation of diverse groups in agenda-setting, interpretation and sharing of this knowledge.
- Local to Global: Community-level actions and their connections to addressing global challenges in human health and the environment.
- Novel ideas: Actions for alternative networking and ideas for novel thinking across the topic of Planetary Health.
Have we missed an area? Please email if you have a workshop suggestion.
Want to join the Cardiff University Planetary Health University Research Network (URN)? Email with your contact details and you will be added to the Microsoft Teams group.
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CF10 3AT