Voyages in space and time
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The webinar will be held online via Zoom. Webinar ID: 876 6150 5046. Passcode: 730382.
Meteorites, and components within them, carry records of all stages of Solar System history. They are fragments of ancient material, natural objects that survive their fall to Earth from space, the oldest objects that we have for study. Almost all meteorites are fragments from asteroids and were formed at the birth of the Solar System, approximately 4570 million years ago. They show a compositional variation that spans a whole range of planetary materials, from completely unmelted and unfractionated stony chondrites to highly fractionated and differentiated iron meteorites. From meteorites, we can learn about the processes and materials that shaped the Solar System and our planet. Tiny grains within meteorites have come from other stars, giving information about the stellar neighbourhood in which the Sun was born. There are also meteorites from the Moon and from Mars that give us insights to how these bodies have formed and evolved.
Speaker: Professor Monica M. Grady, The Open University.
Voyages of great discoveries
Earth scientists have the privilege and pleasure of exploring all parts of the world, from poles to tropics, from great heights to ocean depths and even beyond, in their search for the information that addresses important challenges relating to the history of the planet.
In the Voyages of Great Discoveries series, internationally recognised experts in a variety of disciplines will present accounts of their adventures in the field, followed by the joys, tribulations and indeed satisfaction experienced in the laboratory as they make the discoveries that have transformed our science.
Our public lecture series are free events that attract a diverse audience, including the public, secondary school pupils and professionals. The series aims to open up areas of interest in the Earth and environmental sciences and present new research in this area to the public.