The making and shaping of ‘net zero’ infrastructures in and beyond the ‘city’
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COP 26 is fast approaching and the need to accelerate net zero transitions is acute. It is accepted that addressing climate change and achieving net zero will involve the radical reorganisation of transport, electricity, gas, water and waste networks. This is a major test for society at large and in particular those involved in managing and developing key service infrastructures. This test involves network-specific and cross-network challenges, which are simultaneously configured in and beyond cities and across different spatial scales and timeframes.
Recognising the significance of these challenges, this event focuses on and addresses the following key questions:
- What problems do various infrastructures face in relation to meeting net zero?
- How are specific network challenges and changes taking shape in and beyond cities?
- What are the opportunities for (and barriers to) cross-network collaborations that support net zero?
These questions are addressed through a half-day online event, which brings together climate policy specialists, system integration leaders, and network professionals with expert knowledge concerning climate change, the management of infrastructures and achieving net zero.
- Nick Eyre - Professor of Energy and Climate Policy in the Environmental Change Institute (ECI) at the University of Oxford, and Director of the Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions (CREDS)
- Emma Harrison - Head of Systems Integration, at Energy Systems Catapult
- Mark Barry - Prof of Practice in Connectivity (PT) Cardiff University, Strategic Advisor (PT) Transport for Wales, M&G Barry Consulting
- Representative from Cardiff Council discussing the authority’s approach to waste
- Ben Burggraaf – Welsh Water and Vice Chair for the Energy Managers Association
- Oliver Lancaster, Net Zero Relationship Manager, Wales & West Utilities
- Joshua Visser, Innovation Manager, National Grid ESO
Event Programme
Session 1 (11.00 – 12.15): The ‘scale’ of net zero challenges
11.00 Event Introduction
Rebecca Windemer, Carla de Laurentis, Torik Holmes
11.10 The net zero challenge
Nick Eyre, Professor of Energy and Climate Policy, CREDS Director, University of Oxford
11.30 Infrastructure challenges and opportunities for cross-network integration
Emma Harrison, Energy Systems Catapult
11.50 Q & A
With both speakers
12.25 Lunch
Session 2 (13.00 – 15.00): Networks and meeting net zero
13.00 Transport, Waste, Water, Gas, Electricity
Mark Barry, Professor of Practice, Cardiff University and M&G Barry Consulting; TBC; Ben Burggraaf, Welsh Water; Oliver Lancaster, Net Zero Relationship Manager, Wales & West Utilities; Joshua Visser, Innovation Manager, National Grid ESO
14.15 ‘Digital’ coffee break and question posting
14.30 Q & A
With all five speakers
14.55 Event wrap up
Rebecca Windemer, Carla de Laurentis, Torik Holmes
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