Discipline-based STEM Education Research Webinar: Brittland DeKorver
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Equal access to education, with a focus on improving inclusion for historically marginalized groups, has been a longstanding goal of educators and administrators. However, evidence continues to mount that students from these groups still do not receive equitable access in STEM coursework. Critical race theory, which emphasizes an examination of the context of marginalized individuals’ experiences, implies discipline based education research (DBER) may be uniquely positioned to provide insights into why inequities persist in specific STEM courses. This talk will situate the problem of inequity in an undergraduate chemistry curriculum, and will present data collected from a survey administered at a large primarily white, undergraduate institution. These data reveal how students’ racial and gender identities may impact their attitudes as they undertake chemistry laboratory coursework. The necessity of valid measurements for detecting differences when comparing demographic groups will also be presented. Finally, practical recommendations for addressing inequity in STEM courses will be offered.
Part of the Discipline-based STEM Education Research Webinars (January to June 2021 on Wednesdays 4pm GMT)
These webinars are a Cardiff University/UCL collaboration,organised by Andrea Jiménez Dalmaroni (School of Physics and Astronomy and LCN UCL), and kindly sponsored by the Institute of Physics and the Royal Society of Chemistry.
All events will be hosted via zoom.