A challenge for change – Gender diversity in STEM
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Words have power.
'What we say, how we say it and the actions we take are powerful things and the lack of progress on women in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths subjects) is frustrating: it’s time to look at our words, how we use them and what we do. I don’t pretend to have all the answers but we need to start doing things in a different way.' Helen Obee Reardon
Join Helen and Rhys as they look at some challenging solutions at organisational and wider scales.
The talks will be followed by a Marketplace in the VJ Gallery, looking at taking action on gender diversity with a focus on Cardiff University.
Helen Obee Reardon
I've been involved in various forms of public engagement and science communication for over fifteen years, working for several public sector organisations. My work has included a variety of audiences including schools, communities of interest and place, governmental bodies, academics and businesses. Currently I'm part of the Business Interface Team linking the research of the School of Engineering with industry, policy makers and other organisations.
Rhys Phillips
I’m at Electomagetism Scientist with Airbus based in Toulouse and was part of the team developing an engineering model to tackle gender diversity within the company. With a degree in Mathematics and Physics from Cardiff University, I’m an Honorary Lecturer with the School of Physics and Astronomy. I’m an award winning science presenter, presenting all over the world, and have presented jazz and science shows on radio.
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Main Building
Park Place
CF10 3AT