So we’re all teacher researchers now! – how can mentoring help
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This event would comprise an interactive workshop with contributions from all participants exploring key themes from research findings. It would create a space for free and frank debate focused on the value of research to inform and support educative mentoring to develop pedagogical practice in Wales. The rationale for this session is focused on beginning to address the conflicted understandings among stakeholders about ‘research’ and its potential to impact on teachers’ practice for the benefits of learners, and the resources and sources of expertise required to support teachers and educational professionals as enquirers.
The session would draw on our research, broader pertinent research findings and studies, along with influential reports and professional research orientated blogs. The session would be designed through a gallery exercise where participants have the opportunity to engage with a range of research evidence, followed by a sequence of round table discussions around provocative questions linked to the research. The aim is to engage participants to critique the ‘what works’ agenda, and think strategically about the implications of research findings for achieving principled change in practice within their own education contexts – as teacher education providers and as school practitioners. Research extracts, quotations, data samples and tables would be used as sources for the gallery exercise to provoke participant responses and debate the contribution of the material to designing professional learning that can lead to improved outcomes for learners.
Llandennis Road
CF23 6WG