Redesigning low carbon energy futures in Port Talbot
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This event builds on social science research conducted as part of the multidisciplinary FLEXIS project,
run by Cardiff, Swansea and South Wales universities. FLEXIS is developing demonstrator projects focused on decarbonising our energy system, and is using Port Talbot as a locus for technology development.
We will present results from 5 community workshops, conducted in 2019 in Port Talbot. The workshops focused on four potential energy scenarios for the future that the FLEXIS social science team have developed.
In the workshops, participants used community maps to identify issues relevant to place, and evaluated the desirability or otherwise of the energy scenarios.
This event will feature presentations and discussions about the community mapping activity, and will give attendees the opportunity to explore and evaluate the two scenarios that have previously excited most interest among workshop participants. Through discussions of maps and scenarios, we aim to link the desirability of particular pathways for broad socio-technical change (decarbonisation of power, heat and transport) to the specific social and geographical character of places.
St Paul's Centre
Gerald Street
Port Talbot
SA12 6DQ