RDCS Grant Writing Day
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- Are you an NHS or social care professional working in Wales?
- Are you planning to apply for research funding from Health and Care Research Wales (such as RfPPB and Social Care Grant) or another funder with a submission deadline this autumn?
- Would you or your team benefit from protected time and expert support to write a high-quality funding application?
You should have a clear outline for your research idea as the aim of the Grant Writing Day is to provide dedicated writing time for your grant application - and receive expert support. RDCS consultants with expertise and experience in grant writing, study design and management, qualitative and quantitative research methods (including statistics and health economics) will be accessible all day to provide tips and feedback on your individual applications.
The RDCS Grant Writing Day will especially suit delegates who would like to be in a position to submit their grant to a funder within the next 1-3 months. It will provide a supportive environment for individuals or teams of two or three people (at least one of whom should be a health or social care professional working in Wales) to develop high-quality research proposals prior to application to national peer-reviewed funding streams such as RfPPB and Social Care Grant.
This is a free event, including lunch and refreshments.
Places are strictly limited to ensure adequate access to consultants. Each delegate will need to register individually.
To book now: https://cardiff.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/rdcs-grant-writing-event-september-2019
Cancellation policy: please let us know by email (rdcs@cardiff.ac.uk) if you book and subsequently are unable to attend, so that your place can be offered to another delegate. Thank you.
To find out more about the RDCS South East Wales please visit https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/rdcs
University Hall
Birchwood Road
CF23 5YB