Multilingualism and multi-identities in Wales: a creative approach to research and practice
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Registration to attend Cardiff University’s School of Modern Languages and School of Welsh joint conference on multilingualism is now closed.
Multilingualism and multi-identities in Wales: a creative approach to research and practice.
This conference will bring together researchers and practitioners from within Wales and beyond to discuss the relationship between bilingualism and multilingualism.
Wales has a long and successful history of promoting bilingualism, but now, with the overall decline in MFL uptake in Wales and the UK, there is more need than ever to advocate for multilingualism. In both research and practice, there is scope for these fields to become more aligned, learning from each other’s good practice, creativity and innovation.
The conference aims to explore the relationship between official bilingualism, in Wales and in similar nations, and the multilingual reality of modern-day communities, understanding these factors as key to promoting multilingualism and negotiating our position in a global world.
We’re very pleased to announce the following experts in the fields of languages and education as key note speakers on the day:
Professor Tess Fitzpatrick, Swansea University
Professor Mererid Hopwood, University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Dr Cassie Smith-Christmas, NUI Galway
The day will also feature workshops and seminars that showcase case studies of initiatives and projects that promote multilingualism through recognising bilingualism in Wales.
A draft programme is now available.
With thanks to Creative Multilingualism, Cardiff University School of Modern Languages and the School of Welsh for funding this event.
Attendance to the conference is free and lunch will be provided on the day.
We look forward to welcoming you to Cardiff.
*Please note that although this conference is free to attend, spaces are limited and costs are incurred per attendee, therefore, we would be grateful if you would inform us if you can no longer attend*
Simultaneous Translation
The event will be delivered in the medium of English. You are welcome to ask questions in the medium of Welsh during the Q and A session. If you intend to do this, please contact us by Wednesday 9th October to request simultaneous translation. Please note that 10% or more of those planning to attend will need to request this provision in order for it to be sourced and will be subject to resource availability.
There are no fees for registering and attending the conference, but participants are responsible for arranging their own transport and accommodation. Masters, PGR or Early Career Researchers who are presenting will be eligible to apply for up to £50 towards transport costs.
Free tea/coffee and lunch are included.
Presentations should be delivered in English or in Welsh. Translation services will be provided on the day.
Additional information on the conference will be provided on the School of Modern Languages and School of Welsh website and social media accounts.
66a Park Place
CF10 3AS