VRG Seminar: Behavioural Change and Alcohol-Fuelled Violence: A Field Experiment
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Members of the Violence Research Group (VRG), Iain W. Long, Kent Matthews and Vaseekaran Sivarajasingam, will deliver a presentation for their paper “Behavioural Change and Alcohol-Fuelled Violence: A Field Experiment”. Their research uses a field experiment to assess whether alcohol-induced behavioural changes explain participants’ recent history of violence.
Their results show that being in a drinking environment, rather than intoxication, reduced participants’ cognitive ability whilst increasing their overconfidence. Those who experience small reductions in ability or become much more overconfident tended to have been involved in more violent incidents. Since these behavioural changes were largely unanticipated, their results suggest that individuals underestimate their true likelihood of becoming involved in violence when making alcohol consumption decisions. This presents additional challenges when formulating policy designed to deter alcohol-fuelled violence.
Speaker Biographies
Dr Iain W. Long [https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/609470-long-iain] - Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University
Professor Kent Matthews [https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/609509-matthews-kent] - Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University
Dr Vaseekaran Sivarajasingam [https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/39421-sivarajasingam-vaseekaran] - School of Dentistry, Cardiff University