7 December 2023
Innovative technology designed to support menstrual needs and improve reproductive health is making progress towards implementation
5 December 2023
Cardiff astronomers and international partners reveal a new way to probe how black holes feast
16 November 2023
Cardiff student receives scholarship from Royal Academy of Engineering and Mission 44
15 November 2023
Researchers used computer-guided enzyme engineering to sustainably generate novel biocatalysts
14 November 2023
Professor Graham Hutchings CBE FRS elected Honorary Fellow of the Chinese Chemical Society (CCS)
Researchers examined frequency and magnitude of flooding and drought hazards in six countries over four decades
7 November 2023
Professor Haley Gomez MBE appointed Head of the School of Physics and Astronomy
6 November 2023
Cardiff University-based digital innovators recently attended Wales Tech Week, showcasing the power of digital transformation and cutting-edge technology in Wales.
24 October 2023
Graduate developing accessible travel app which flags lift disruptions on London Underground
23 October 2023
Using video games to engage with the history and heritage of Cardiff and southeast Wales