For decades geoscientists have been trying to detect the influence of climate on the formation of rivers, but up to now there has been no systematic evidence.
Project Sepsis, Cardiff University, along with clinicians from the University Hospital of Wales (UHW), ran a simulation event entitled ‘Sepsis: a spotlight on what can happen to mum and baby’ to mark World Sepsis Day.
Last week, the School of Healthcare Sciences, Cardiff University, hosted an Awards afternoon tea to celebrate the successful partnerships the School holds with Clinical Practice.
A new publication gives insight into interactions between antibiotics and Staphylococcus aureus DNA gyrase, helping to build a more detailed picture of how we can fight microbial resistance in the future.
The Biomechanics and Bioengineering Research Centre Versus Arthritis (BBRCVA), funded by Versus Arthritis and Cardiff University is hosting an International Scientific Advisory Board Meeting over two days.