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Queen’s birthday honours

19 June 2012

Recognition in the Queen’s Birthday Honours.

Inspire Wales Award

15 June 2012

A University expert in drug discovery has been recognised with an Inspire Wales Award.

Resisting temptation

15 June 2012

New research from psychologists at the Universities of Exeter and Cardiff shows that people can train their brains to become less impulsive, resulting in less risk-taking during gambling.

Unexpected discovery reveals potential therapeutic target

15 June 2012

An unexpected discovery of how the body controls cell death has revealed a potential new therapeutic target.

New arthritis research centre unveiled

11 June 2012

Wales’ first research centre dedicated to developing new drugs and treatments to ease the pain and suffering of arthritis sufferers has been unveiled.

Dealing with depression

8 June 2012

A technique which helps people control activity in a specific part of their brain could be used to help ease depression, University research has found.

You’re hired!

7 June 2012

A scientific business proposal by Cardiff graduate Richard "Ricky" Martin won him a £250,000 partnership in the final of the BBC’s The Apprentice.

TEDxCardiff partnership

27 April 2012

Watch videos from TEDxCardiff.

Significant Increase in Undergraduate Recruitment for Biosciences

12 April 2012

Increase in application rate for Biosciences.

Powerful new cells cloned

21 March 2012

Key to immune system disease could lie inside the cheek.