30 August 2023
New research finds electric fields prevent the spread of viruses during surgeries with up to 99% efficiency.
23 August 2023
A new website provides UK prevalence estimates for all diseases
21 August 2023
Ant invasions can reduce native species numbers by 53%
10 August 2023
Widening access to services that help prepare cancer patients for treatment
3 August 2023
Dr Emma Yhnell awarded National Teaching Fellowship
53 Year 12 learners from across Wales had the opportunity to gain first-hand experience of a career in medicine at The Hope Hospital.
1 August 2023
Researchers used data from MRI scans to develop bespoke computational head model
24 July 2023
Multipronged T-cells discovered which “might be associated with complete cancer remission” say Cardiff team
21 July 2023
Professor Nick Pidgeon awarded prestigious Fellowship
18 July 2023
Graduation week “family affair” for Amey-Jones family