10 October 2023
Three socially conscious former law students have been recognised at this year’s alumni community celebration – the 30 (ish) Awards.
6 October 2023
2023 30Ish Alumni Award winners announced
2023 30ish Alumni Award winners announced
5 October 2023
Co-authored article wins Outstanding Achievement Award with investigation of digital resistance against algorithm driven platforms in China.
4 October 2023
A new book by Cardiff Business School academics explores the decline in the power and influence of experts.
2 October 2023
Secret talks between the British Army, the IRA, and loyalist paramilitary groups were discovered by a Cardiff academic whilst researching his new account of the Troubles in Northern Ireland.
A director has been appointed at a new research centre based at Cardiff University.
29 September 2023
Cardiff Business School recently hosted the 16th International Society for Inventories Research (ISIR) PhD Summer School.