31 October 2017
Work recognised by Institute of Place Management at international conference
30 October 2017
Dr Des Fitzgerald has been awarded a £100,000 prize for his research into the relationship between architecture and neuroscience.
Two new honours programmes launched for Entry 2018
27 October 2017
First UK Arab Commentators Forum learns about UK media policy and practice.
Students graduate in a ceremony held in Singapore
Kuwait University joins us for a week long intensive leadership programme
Senior lecturer in Hispanic Studies, Dr Andrew Dowling has recently shared his thoughts and knowledge of the Catalan referendum across a range of digital and print based media channels.
Food security and sustainability expert addresses inquiry into rethinking food strategies in Wales.
26 October 2017
Dr Marco Pomati has contributed to research which has led to a revised indicator of deprivation in the EU
Most detailed examination to date of what the Welsh public think about Brexit reveals no consensus on the Brexit process, consequences or outcome.