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picture of blue pills

Largest genomic study of it's kind identifies improvements in schizophrenia medication for those who are of Asian and African descent

22 February 2023

The study investigated data from over 4,500 individuals taking the antipsychotic clozapine


Cardiff University commissioned to provide comprehensive genomics education for NHS Wales workforce

30 January 2023

Cardiff University has won the contract to deliver six inclusive and accessible educational modules on the topic.

Child asleep in bed holding a teddy bear

Greater support needed around sleep for children with rare genetic conditions, Cardiff University study finds

17 January 2023

Greater support needed around sleep for children with rare genetic conditions, Cardiff University study finds

Cover photo of CNGG research showcase November 2022

Spotlight on CNGG research at Cardiff University Research Showcase

7 December 2022

CNGG researchers shared their research into genetics and mental health conditions at Cardiff University's Digital Research Showcase

young woman in lab coat and blue gloves holding a pipette tray up to the light

World-leading mental health research centre becomes Cardiff University Centre

29 November 2022

The Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics transitions into new era following 10 years as MRC Centre.

Research Team

New study identifies gene which increases risk of heart rhythm abnormalities

20 November 2022

This research holds exciting promise for the investigation of heart screening in deletion carriers, namely using wearable (Smartwatch) technology as well as revealing whether heart rhythms are linked to certain behavioural and cognitive measures.

A colourful model of a strand of DNA

Shining a spotlight on rare genetic conditions: 16p11.2

16 November 2022

CNGG placement students mark rare genetic condition awareness month.

A large group of young people smiling at the camera standing in a line outside a cardiff university building

'A career affirming experience': My week at the MRC CNGG

25 July 2022

After another successful Summer School in Brain Disorder Research at the MRC CNGG, medical student Jennifer Luu shares her experience with us.

UK researchers pioneer new virtual treatment for PTSD

15 June 2022

Online treatment ‘as effective as face-to-face therapy’, large-scale clinical trial finds

a graphic showing different scientific symbols with a mouse in the middle

Cardiff University awarded £2.7m to host new research cluster for neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disease

19 April 2022

The new research group will be led by Professor Anthony Isles from the Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences