Muslim Young Leaders Award
When the Citizens UK Commission on Islam, Participation, and Public Life came to Cardiff to gather evidence, many young people gave evidence and a message came through loud and clear that day that they make a contribution to the welfare of the whole community, and yet young Muslims are more often presented as a threat to society. In other words their contribution is often not recognized.

So with Citizens Cymru Wales the Islam UK Centre launched the Wales Muslim Young Leaders Awards to recognise those who are making an outstanding contribution to the community.
Letters were sent to all the Mosques and a variety of other Islamic Organisations in Wales asking them to nominate one male and one female under the age of 40 who match the following criteria:
That they:
- are respected by their peers both within the Muslim community and beyond
- consciously apply their faith in community action
- invest time in building relationships with Muslims and in the wider community
- are passionate about changing the world and can point to the impact they have made
- have a track record of successfully working for the common good.
Each award nominee required a reference from someone in a position of authority in the mosque and from someone in the wider community who does not identify as a Muslim and can vouch for the wider impact of their work.
Each award winner will be able to access community leadership training from Citizens Cymru Wales.
It is hoped that these awards send the message that young Muslim leaders in Wales are indeed committed to working for the common good of their communities.
The awards were presented on the occasion of the first ever Citizens Cymru Wales Governance of Wales Accountability Assembly on 17 March 2016.
Hundreds of community leaders from every constituency in Wales gathered in Cardiff seven weeks before polling day to meet with the leaders of the four main political parties: Carwyn Jones AM (Labour), Andrew RT Davies AM (Conservative), Leanne Wood AM (Plaid Cymru) and Kirsty Williams AM (Liberal Democrats).
Over 700 people gathered to ask the leaders to work with Citizens Cymru Wales on a series of social justice issues, should the election result in them leading, or forming part of, the next Welsh Government.
Recipients received their awards from the four party leaders and their achievements were recognized by all present.