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Certification evaluation toolkit and methods for inspiring consumer trust in food products

The CERTAIN project examines the ecological, social and economic impact of certification criteria for production systems and the surrounding social-ecological system.

There is a general lack of accountability for the impact of certification criteria on environmental and social parameters, owing to the lack of data with which to evaluate the impact of certification criteria; where impact has been evaluated, there is a lack of a standardized methodological approach, making comparative or more general conclusions difficult.

The pilot project compares four different case studies: IBD certification (a Brazilian organic certification organization), Rainforest Alliance (RA; a certification label), Fairtrade International (FLO; a certification label based on the organization of producers into cooperatives) and The Association of Farmers Solidarity Ecologists of Porto Alegre (AFSE; a cooperative of small-scale producers) to examine how well certification labels and associations/cooperatives inspire consumer confidence and trust.

The project will also create a certification evaluation toolkit to monitor and evaluate activities.

Project team

Cardiff University

Professor Susan Baker

Professor Susan Baker

Emerita Professor, Co-director Sustainable Places Research Institute

+44 (0)29 2087 5237

University of the West of England

Dr Vikas Kumar

Dr Vikas Kumar

Associate Professor in Enterprise Operations Management