Master’s Scholarships
We are delighted to confirm that the Master’s Scholarship scheme is now open for 2025/26 entry.
We are committed to investing up to a total of £500,000 in this high value competitive scholarship scheme to support UK students who are planning to start an eligible Master’s programme in 2025/26.
The Scholarships are each worth £3,000 and will be awarded in the form of a tuition fee discount.
Without the Master’s Scholarship there is no way I could have funded the postgraduate course that led to the career I’ve aspired to for many years, so I am incredibly thankful for the opportunity
UK students are eligible to apply for the Scholarship. You normally need to have achieved at least a 2.1 or equivalent in your first degree to be eligible. You need to submit an application to study at Cardiff University and be made an offer to study, before your fee status can be confirmed.
Your fee status is determined in accordance with the Fees Regulations. Please consult the UKCISA website regarding fee status in Wales.
Eligible programmes
Only complete full-time and part-time postgraduate taught courses that lead to a Master’s degree are included within the scholarship scheme:
- Full-time course leading to a taught Master’s degree
- Part-time course leading to a taught Master’s degree
- MRes Biosciences
If you are studying your course part-time, you will receive 50% of the scholarship in the first year and 50% of the scholarship in the second year.
If you are studying a full-time course which lasts longer than one year you will not receive funding for additional years from this Scholarship scheme or its successor.
Courses not included
The following courses are not included in the scheme so aren’t eligible for a Master’s Scholarship:
- Distance learning programmes
- Architectural Studies (MArch)
- Taught programmes leading to a graduate diploma (GDip), postgraduate certificate (PgCert) or postgraduate diploma (PgDip)
- Research degrees that lead to a Master in Philosophy (MPhil).
If you already possess a Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma and are now progressing onto the Master’s stage of the degree, you would also not be eligible.
Other than the MRes in Biosciences or Stem Cell Neurobiology, postgraduate research programmes that lead to the award of an MPhil, are not eligible for scholarship.
Other funding
You can be eligible for a Master’s Scholarship even if you receive:
- funding for master’s study from Student Finance Wales or England
- Welsh Government bursaries for Master’s students
- any loan-based funding, such as the Postgraduate Loan distributed by Student Finance Wales and England.
If you are awarded a £3,000 Cardiff University Master’s Scholarship then you cannot also receive the alumni discount.
You will not be eligible to receive the Master’s Scholarship if you are also receiving full funding for your tuition fees from any other scholarships, bursaries or sponsorship body (such as your home country’s Government, charity or a private organisation).
Deferred entry
Scholarships are to be used for entry in academic year 2025/26 only and cannot be used for 2026/27 entry or beyond.
If you are awarded a scholarship and wish to defer your entry to the University, you will lose your scholarship and will need to re-apply again in the following year. It can also not be used by those already on a postgraduate course.
You can browse our programmes by A-Z.
If you are not sure about your eligibility for these scholarships or have any queries, please email for advice at
Key dates
The key dates for applications for the scholarships for 2025/26 are as follows:
Date | What you need to do |
Monday 7 April 2025 | The first deadline by which you need to submit (a) an application to study an eligible postgraduate taught course (b) a scholarship application, if you want to be considered in the first round of applications. |
Monday 7 July 2025 | The second deadline by which you need to submit (a) an application to study an eligible postgraduate taught course (b) a scholarship application, to be considered in the second and final round of applications. |
One week after formal notification of a Scholarship offer | Scholarships need to be accepted within a week of formal notification. If you already have received an offer to study, you also need to firmly accept it. Scholarships not accepted will be reallocated. |
Applications received after the first deadline will not be considered until after the second deadline. Applications received after the second deadline will not be considered.
You must also ensure that we receive your course application, including references and transcripts, by the same deadline date in order to be eligible to apply for the scholarship.
How to apply
Applications are made through the Online Applicant Portal. Once your application to a course has been accepted a link to the application form for the Master’s Scholarships will be available on the SIMS Online Applicant Portal.
New applicants will get login details for the Online Applicant Portal emailed to them. Current and previous students will be able to login using their existing login details and can find the scholarship application link in the ‘My Application’ screen of SIMS.
Please note that it may take up to 48 hours after submitting your course application before you get full access to the Applicant Portal. We therefore advise you to apply for your course well in advance.
The Application form will remain accessible until the second scholarship application deadline. If the application form is not available, please email so that we may advise.
We will only consider one application per applicant which will be the last one submitted.
There are guidance notes for completing the application form below.
Please contact the Admissions Office should you experience any problems with submission.
Accepting an offer
Scholarships need to be accepted within a week of formal notification. Scholarships not accepted will be reallocated. Please ensure you check your contact email regularly.
Terms and conditions
Offer conditions
- The Scholarship offer is contingent upon completed enrolment onto the course specified in the scholarship application. If your offer to study is not accepted by Friday 29 August 2025 then scholarship offers may be withdrawn.
- The Scholarship offer is also contingent upon any additional conditions outlined in your scholarship offer email.
- Acceptance of these terms and conditions is required before the scholarship will be awarded.
- The Terms and Conditions must be accepted by the date specified in your scholarship offer email.
- You will be expected to have arrived and enrolled at Cardiff University by the start date set out in your offer to study letter, or the date specified by your academic School.
- The scholarship is only applicable to the course specified in your scholarship application form. Scholarships are not transferable between individuals and can only be used for a taught Master’s degree or a Master of Research (MRes) degree at Cardiff University.
- All decisions made by the Panel shall be considered as final and are not subject to appeal. Due to the large number of applications received, no feedback will be made available.
Your scholarship
- The scholarship will take the form of a tuition fee discount and no monies will be paid directly to you. The scholarship will reduce the amount payable to the University. The remainder of the tuition fee is then payable according to our tuition fee policy.
- The scholarship amount is £3,000 for a 180 credit taught Master’s degree.
- If you are awarded a £3,000 Master’s Scholarship then you cannot also receive the alumni discount.
- You are expected to fund the remaining balance of your studies from other sources.
- The Master’s Scholarships are available for a maximum of one academic year for full-time courses, and two academic years for part-time students. Students studying a course which lasts longer than one year full-time or two years part-time will not receive any further funding for or in additional years.
- For part-time courses, the scholarship outlined in 2.2 is applied pro-rata over two years of study.
- There is no cash substitute, transfer facility or any other variation from the tuition fee discount for the scholarship.
- You are liable for all other costs associated with your study that are not expressly covered in your scholarship offer letter.
- The scholarships are only available to self-funded students. If you are in receipt of full or partial tuition fee funding from another sponsorship body (such as your home country’s government or a private organisation) you will be required to refund the scholarship to Cardiff University up to the amount covered by your sponsorship body. This does not include funding in the form of a loan.
Your responsibilities
- You are expected to commence your studies at Cardiff University in the 2025/26 academic year. This scholarship cannot be deferred to future years. If you are unable to attend in the 2025/26 academic year, a new scholarship application will be required for consideration for any future scholarship.
- You are expected to complete your course within the standard advertised duration. In the case of an interruption to your studies, the scholarship cannot be transferred to future years.
- You will be subject to, and must comply fully with, Cardiff University’s rules and regulations, together with all academic and other terms and conditions associated with your study programme.
- You will need to pay the remainder of your tuition fee according to our tuition fee policy.
- You will be expected to participate in public relations and ambassadorial activities on a voluntary basis during your time at Cardiff University. These may include (but are not limited to) interviews, photo opportunities and attendance at events, but will not interfere with your studies. It is anticipated that voluntary activities will not exceed 50 hours throughout the duration of your studies.
- Cardiff University shall have the right at any time, and at its sole discretion, to terminate your scholarship in the event that you:
- Are found to be in breach of any Cardiff University rules or regulations including, but not limited to, the University’s Academic Regulations.
- Engage in improper conduct which is deemed by Cardiff University to be inconsistent with its operation and ethos.
- Are found to be in material breach of the scholarship terms and conditions as set out in this agreement.
- Fail to progress your academic studies at a satisfactory level.
- Any such termination shall be at Cardiff University’s sole discretion and without liability to the University.
By completing the online acceptance form provided in your offer email, you will be deemed to have understand and accepted these terms and conditions in their entirety.
Further guidance
Please ensure that you read these Guidance Notes before completing the Cardiff University Master’s Scholarship application form. Completing the application form incorrectly may result in your application being rejected.
Page 1: Personal details
Cardiff University student application number
Please enter your unique 7 digit Cardiff University student number. You will find this on any correspondence you have received from our Registry Department, such as your offer letter. This must be included in order for you to be considered for an award.
Email address
Please provide us with a valid email address. This will be our preferred method of contacting you so please ensure that you enter the correct address and check it regularly for communications regarding the Scholarship
Title of course/degree
Please state the title of the postgraduate taught course for which have applied to study at Cardiff University.
Academic School applied to
Please select the School your course is based in. For programmes based in multiple Schools, please select all Schools that apply. If you are ensure, please consult our Course database.
Page 2 and 3: Pending/most recent qualifications
Please provide the full name and address (including country) of the educational establishment that you attended whilst completing your most recent qualification.
Include the dates you attended, details of any qualifications attempted or achieved including full name and subject, grades received or that you are expected to receive, and the date the qualifications were (or are expected to be) awarded.
You do not need to send us any supporting documents. Any supporting information that is sent will not be considered.
Page 4: Supporting statements
Please write a series of short statements in support of your application for a scholarship. The statements must not exceed the maximum of 200 words per section (1,400 characters, including white space).
Please only include information which is relevant to your application and do not exceed the maximum word limit. Any information included beyond the word limit will not be considered. Please ensure that you check this using word processing software.
The Supporting Statements section of the application form is for personal interpretation. Guidance on how this should be interpreted and answered will not beprovided. Part of the assessment process for the scholarships will consider your ability to interpret and appropriately respond to the questions. Example application forms and supporting statements are not available.
Please note that the decisions of the selection panels are final and are not open to appeal. Due to the volume of applications received, feedback on applications will not be available.
Page 5: Final page
Funding of your studies
Please state how you intend to fund the remainder of your tuition fees or living expenses.
The Master’s Scholarship does not cover the full tuition fee or provide any support towards living costs so students should not be solely reliant on receiving a scholarship to fund their postgraduate study. Further information on additional and alternative sources of funding.
Students receiving full funding from other sources (such as Government, charities or private organisations) will not be eligible for a scholarship. The Postgraduate Loan available through Student Finance England and Wales (domicile dependent) is not considered a scholarship and if this is your only other funding you would still be eligible for the full Master’s Excellence Scholarship.
Marketing and public relations
Successful applicants must agree to allow the University to use the information collected for marketing activities such as:
- publications
- websites
- recruitment activities
- scholarship promotional activities.
Successful applicants must also agree to attend any prize-giving events as appropriate and act as an ambassador for the University during their studies and for 5 years after graduating.
Please confirm that all information in your application is correct.
We may contact you for further information or for evidence of any information supplied within your supporting statements.
SIMS uses a combination of application and programme data to establish whether to show the application link. If you cannot see the application link in SIMS and have checked that you are eligible for the scholarship, please email us at
The scholarship application is not handled by SIMS and as such SIMS cannot update your scholarship application status. The receipt provided when submitting an application is sufficient to confirm that you have submitted an application. We will be in contact via email to advise you once a decision has been made. Your email provider may put our emails into spam/junk or similar folders.
The selection panels at the University will be considering some important criteria from your application and supporting statement when assessing your application form:
- Academic excellence: We require students to demonstrate their academic successes, whilst also illustrating other areas of personal development, such as learning gained via work experience, voluntary work, or extra-curricular learning experiences;
- Contribution to society: We will look positively upon applicants who demonstrate a keen awareness of the contribution they can make to the development of their community, society or nation, as a result of obtaining their qualification from Cardiff University;
Please note that the decision of the selection panel is final and is not open to appeal.
Unconditional offer to study
An ‘unconditional offer’ means that you have met all of the academic and non-academic requirements for a course as determined by the admissions tutor, and the University offers you a place to study on a course. Proof of qualifications may be required, but you will be contacted by the University if this is the case.
Conditional offer to study
A ‘conditional offer’ means that the University has made you an offer to study provided you meet certain conditions. These are the conditions which the admissions tutor requires in order for you to meet the entry requirements for the course. If you receive a conditional offer to study then you should send the Admissions Office your transcripts as soon as you have received them. If the admissions tutor considers that you have met the conditions then your offer becomes ‘unconditional’.
If you are successful and have been selected to receive a Scholarship, the University will contact you as soon as possible after the respective deadline.
Accepting your offer
All recipients will be required to formally accept the scholarship and its conditions by completing an online acceptance form.
If you do not complete this form within a week of giving formal notification, we will re-allocate the funding to another student. Extensions will not be made in any circumstances. It is essential that you check your email regularly for communications from us.
Your scholarship offer may be conditional upon you achieving a certain grade in your degree, which may be higher than in your conditional offer to study.
Awarding the scholarship
Scholarships are awarded in the form of a tuition fee discount. If you have been successful in obtaining a scholarship, we will make the necessary payments towards your University tuition fees on your behalf and will communicate this to you.
Recipients are responsible for ensuring that all other fees and expenses (including remaining tuition fee, accommodation fees) are paid by the appropriate deadlines.
The scholarships do not cover all tuition fees. Any additional costs for study which are incurred by the scholarship recipients and do not fall within the details of the scholarship which they have been awarded, must be paid by the student.
Work placements
With regards to full-time programmes, the Scholarships are only available for the first year of study. If you are studying a full-time programme which lasts longer than one year you will not receive funding for additional years from this Scholarship scheme or its successor.
If you withdraw/are required to withdraw from studies before completing your degree, or do not complete your degree from Cardiff University, you will be responsible for repaying all or part of the monies received from the Master’s Scholarship award on a pro-rata basis.
Your responsibilities
During and after your period of study you may be asked to participate in promotional activities for the University. This may include receptions and social events, testimonial and publicity articles or even assisting with activities in your home country.
Please email if you have any questions about the scholarships, the application process or if you require any further guidance.
The alumni discount is available for Cardiff University graduates who are planning to start an eligible master's programme in 2024/25.