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News and features

Pathway Students

Pathway students achieve their ambition to study Social Science

18 September 2013

The first cohort of Pathway to Social Science students have joined the Cardiff School of Social Sciences after successfully completing the first part of their learning Pathway at the University’s Centre for Lifelong Learning.

Dr Adam Fletcher

Study finds evidence of black markets for junk food in schools

10 September 2013

Recent school food legislation in England completely banning a wide range of products in state-maintained schools may have done more harm than good.

widening access

Widening access students' progress at university

31 July 2013

'Low participation neighbourhood' has little effect on students' progress.

Preventing smoking in teenagers

22 May 2013

Schools-based intervention programme recognised for its success.

Social care research in Wales

17 April 2013

Funding boost for research and practice in children’s social care.

Masters in Education module launched

10 January 2013

Education Minister welcomes first cohort of teachers to flagship Masters programme

Trouble at work

26 July 2012

Public sector workers besieged on all sides, new Cardiff book shows

New Pathway to Social Science

21 June 2012

Lifelong Learning opens new route for mature students.