Dr José Constantine
- constantineja@cardiff.ac.uk
- +44 (0)29 2087 0642
- Fax:
- +44 (0)29 2087 4326
- 1.22A, Main Building
- Fluvial and Coastal Geomorphology
- Deputy Director, MESci Programmes
- PhD Geological Sciences (University of California - Santa Barbara) Meander Cutoff and the Controls on the Production and Evolution of Oxbow Lakes, 2008.
- MSc Hydrologic Sciences (University of California - Davis) Floodplain Evolution in a Small, Tectonically Active Basin of Northern California, 2002.
- BSc Geology (College of William & Mary), 1999.
- American Geophysical Union
- Geological Society of America
- British Society for Geomorphology
PhD Students
- Pauline Dieras (2009-2013): Controls on the persistence of oxbow lakes as aquatic habitat
- Kate Walker-Springett (2010-2014): Public perception of habitat management strategies for the freshwater pearl mussel in response to climate-driven environmental change across Wales
- Joshua Ahmed (2011-2015): Sediment supply as a driver of meandering river dynamics
- Alexander Horton (2013-2017): Impacts of the removal of tropical rainforest on the meandering dynamics of the Kinabatangan River, Borneo
- Rhodri Thomas (2013-2017): Predictions of river habitat response to climate change across the United Kingdom
- Qin, Y., Alves, T., Constantine, J. A. and Gamboa, D. 2017. The role of mass wasting in the progressive development of submarine channels (Espirito Santo Basin, SE Brazil). Journal of Sedimentary Research 87(5), pp. 500-516. (10.2110/jsr.2017.18)
- Qin, Y., Alves, T. M., Constantine, J. A. and Gamboa, D. 2016. Quantitative seismic geomorphology of a submarine channel system in SE Brazil (Espírito Santo Basin): Scale comparison with other submarine channel systems. Marine and Petroleum Geology 78, pp. 455-473. (10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2016.09.024)
- Parker, R. N., Hales, T. C., Mudd, S. M., Grieve, S. W. D. and Constantine, J. A. 2016. Colluvium supply in humid regions limits the frequency of storm-triggered landslides. Scientific Reports 6, article number: 34438. (10.1038/srep34438)
- Thomas, R., Constantine, J., Gough, P. and Fussell, B. 2015. Rapid channel widening following weir removal due to bed-material wave dispersion on the River Monnow, Wales. River Research and Applications 31(8), pp. 1017-1027. (10.1002/rra.2803)
- Constantine, J. A., Dunne, T., Ahmed, J., Legleiter, C. and Lazarus, E. D. 2014. Sediment supply as a driver of river meandering and floodplain evolution in the Amazon Basin. Nature Geoscience 7, pp. 899-903. (10.1038/ngeo2282)
- Vaughan, I. P., Merrix-Jones, F. and Constantine, J. 2013. Successful predictions of river characteristics across England and Wales based on ordination. Geomorphology 194, pp. 121-131. (10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.03.036)
- Lazarus, E. D. and Constantine, J. A. 2013. Generic theory for channel sinuosity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110(21), pp. 8447-8452. (10.1073/pnas.1214074110)
- Dieras, P., Constantine, J. A. and Hales, T. 2013. The role of oxbow lakes in the off-channel storage of bed material along the Ain River, France. Geomorphology 188, pp. 110-119. (10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.12.024)
- Constantine, J. A., Schelhaas, M., Gabet, E. and Mudd, S. M. 2012. Limits of windthrow-driven hillslope sediment flux due to varying storm frequency and intensity. Geomorphology 175, pp. 66-73. (10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.06.022)
- Constantine, J. A., McLean, S. R. and Dunne, T. 2010. A mechanism of chute cutoff along large meandering rivers with uniform floodplain topography. Geological Society of America Bulletin 122(5-6), pp. 855-869. (10.1130/B26560.1)
- Constantine, J. A., Dunne, T., Piégay, H. and Kondolf, G. M. 2010. Controls on the alluviation of oxbow lakes by bed-material load along the Sacramento River, California. Sedimentology 57(2), pp. 389-407. (10.1111/j.1365-3091.2009.01084.x)
- Dunne, T., Constantine, J. A. and Singer, M. B. 2010. The role of sediment transport and sediment supply in the evolution of river channel and floodplain complexity. Chikei/Transactions, Japanese Geomorphological Union 31(2), pp. 155-170.
- Dunne, T., Constantine, J. A. and Singer, M. 2010. The Role of Sediment Transport and Sediment Supply in the Evolution of River Channel and Floodplain Complexit. Transactions, Japanese Geomorphological Union 31(2), pp. 155-170.
- Constantine, J. A. and Dunne, T. 2008. Meander cutoff and the controls on the production of oxbow lakes. Geology 36(1), pp. 23-26. (10.1130/G24130A.1)
- Constantine, J. A., Pasternack, G. B. and Johnson, M. L. 2005. Logging effects on sediment flux observed in a pollen-based record of overbank deposition in a northern California catchment. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 30(7), pp. 813-821. (10.1002/esp.1190)
- Constantine, J. A., Pasternack, G. B. and Johnson, M. L. 2003. Floodplain evolution in a small, tectonically active basin of northern California. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 28(8), pp. 869-888. (10.1002/esp.510)
- Neubauer, S. C., Anderson, I. C., Constantine, J. A. and Kuehl, S. A. 2002. Sediment deposition and accretion in a Mid-Atlantic (U.S.A.) tidal freshwater marsh. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 54(4), pp. 713-727. (10.1006/ecss.2001.0854)