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Dr Ivan Stankov

Visiting Research Associate

029 2087 6060


Stankov I, Todorov D, Setchi R, Towards enhanced crossed-domain document clustering with Semantically Enhanced Text Stemmer (SETS), Invited paper for a Special Issue on Innovation in Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems, submitted to Knowledge Engineering Systems Journal , September 2012 Stankov I, Todorov D, Setchi R, Semantically Enhanced Text Stemmer (SETS) for Document Clustering, In proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, San Sebastian, 10-12 Sep 2012, Spain Setchi R, Tang Q, Stankov I, Semantic-based information retrieval in support of concept design, Advanced Engineering Informatics, invited paper for a Special Issue on Information Mining and Retrieval in Design , 25 (2) (2011) 131-146 ISBN/ISSN: 1474-0346 10.1016/j.aei.2010.07.006 Shopov M, Stankov I, Kakanakov N, Standards and Technologies for Web Services Security, Journal of Automatics and Informatics (2007) in press. Kakanakov N, Shopov M, Stankov I, Spasov G, Web Services and Data Integration in Distributed Automation Systems in Internet Environment, Journal International Review on Computers and Software, 1 (3) (2006) 194-201 ISBN 1828-6003 Stankov I, Spasov G, Discussion of Microkernel and Monolithic Kernel Approaches, Proc. Third International Bulgarian-Turkish Conference in Computer Science`06 (2006) book 1 Shopov M, Stankov I, Kakanakov N, Spasov G, On the Use of XML for Data Access in Networks of Embedded Devices, Proc. Third International Bulgarian-Turkish Conf. - Computer Science`06 (2006) book 1 160-165 Spasov G, Stankov I, Petrova G, Wireless Real-Time Gateway (WRTG) for Embedded Devices, Proc. Conf. Electronics ET‘06, 20-22 Sept 2006, (2006) ISBN 954-438-566-6 Stankov I, Spasov G, Web Based Application for Distributed Remote Measurement Viewing, Proc. 41st ICEST (2006) 336-339 Kakanakov N, Stankov I, Shopov M, Spasov G, Controller Network Data Extracting Protocol – design and implementation, Proc. CompSysTech (2006) III-A.14-1-6 Stankov I, Spasov G, Web based model for distributed automation across the Internet, Proc. Fourth National Youth Science and Practical Session (2006) 151-156 Stankov I, Spasov G, Reliable delivery of data in urban environment using both Ad-Hoc and infrastructure networks, Proc. Second International Scientific Conference in Computer Science (2005) 176-181. Spasov G, Shopov M, Stankov I, Zaykov P, Hadzhinikolkov N, Development of a System for `Home Control on Fingertips, Proc. ELECTRONICS (2005) book 4 120-125






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