![Professor Roger Whitaker](https://cardiff.imgix.net/__data/assets/image/0006/2713425/118176-1680294194227.jpeg?w=200&h=200&auto=format&crop=faces&fit=crop&q=60)
Professor Roger Whitaker
Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Enterprise, Professor of Collective Intelligence
- whitakerrm@cardiff.ac.uk
- +44 (0)29 2087 6999
- 2.48, Abacws, Senghennydd Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF24 4AG
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I am the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research Innovation and Enterprise at Cardiff University and a member of the University's Executive Board.
My personal research and innovation agenda concerns the intersection of human and machine intelligence. This includes:
- using computation and data to understand human behaviour and cooperation;
- human-machine interaction and decision-making through networks, apps and games;
- the future of AI, creativity and innovation.
This work is interdisciplinary, including engineering, sociology and psychology. Funders including IBM and EPSRC support my current research.
Recent roles and projects include:
- Academic Director of Supercomputing Wales – a £19 Million collaboration between The Universities of Aberystwyth, Bangor, Cardiff and Swansea, that provides Wales with a national research facility for simulation and AI. This supports the EPSRC CDT in AI, Machine Learning and Advanced Computing.
- Co-director of Data Innovation Accelerator, a £3.6 Million project supported by European Regional Development funding (2019-2021) to provide collaborations on Data Science and AI projects for over 40 businesses. This funding supported a team of data scientists and staff for outreach and knowledge exchange.
- Project leader for the US/UK Distributed Analytics and Information Sciences International Technology Alliance (DAIS ITA, 2016-2021) funded by the US & UK Governments and led by IBM. Leadership of the Evolution of Human Systems projects in collaboration with Penn State, Yale and University of Massachusetts.
- Proponent of the Cardiff University Data Science Academy (2017), which was launched in 2019 to support the next generation of expertise in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.
- Former Dean of Research for the College of Physical Sciences and Engineering, (2012-2021), supporting Pro-Vice Chancellors in research management and strategy across seven disciplines. This included submission of REF2014 and REF2021.
- Leadership of the interdisciplinary FP7 EC SOCIALNETS project, focused on exploiting social networking for adaptive networking;
- Leadership of the interdisciplinary FP7 EC RECOGNITION project, concerning cognitive approaches supporting self-awareness in autonomic systems.
- Head of the School of Computer Science and Informatics, Cardiff University (January 2009 - Septenber 2013), managing the School's redevelopment to include Informatics, taught programme redevelopment and research group restructuring.
- Wu, X. et al. 2024. Image manipulation quality assessment. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (10.1109/tcsvt.2024.3504854)
- Lou, J., Wu, X., Wu, Y., Corcoran, P., Colombo, G., Whitaker, R. and Liu, H. 2024. A benchmark of variance of opinion scores in image quality assessment. Presented at: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Abu Dhabi, 27-30 October 2024Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing. IEEE pp. 1232-1238., (10.1109/ICIP51287.2024.10647649)
- Greatrix, T., Whitaker, R., Turner, L. and Colombo, W. 2024. Can large language models create new knowledge for spatial reasoning tasks?. [Online]. arXiv: Cornell University. Available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.14379
- Alraddadi, E. E., Allen, S. M., Colombo, G. B. and Whitaker, R. M. 2024. A novel framework to classify opinion dynamics of mobile agents under the bounded confidence model. Adaptive Behavior 32(2), pp. 167-187. (10.1177/10597123231195423)
- Wang, H., Lou, J., Liu, X., Tan, H., Whitaker, R. and Liu, H. 2024. SSPNet: Predicting visual saliency shifts. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 26, pp. 4938-4949. (10.1109/TMM.2023.3327886)
- Colombo, G., Whitaker, R. and Liu, H. 2023. Exploring human models of innovation for generative AI. Presented at: ICCC'23 14th International Conference on Computational Creativity, Waterloo, Ontarion Canada, 19-23 June 2023.
- Whitaker, R. M., Colombo, G. B., Turner, L., Dunham, Y., Doyle, D. K., Roy, E. M. and Giammanco, C. A. 2022. The coevolution of social networks and cognitive dissonance. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 9(2), pp. 376-393. (10.1109/TCSS.2021.3090833)
- Ashford, J., Turner, L., Whitaker, R., Preece, A. and Felmlee, D. 2022. Understanding the characteristics of COVID-19 misinformation communities through graphlet analysis. Online Social Networks and Media 27, article number: 100178. (10.1016/j.osnem.2021.100178)
- Felmlee, D., McMillan, C. and Whitaker, R. 2021. Dyads, triads, and tetrads: a multivariate simulation approach to uncovering network motifs in social graphs. Applied Network Science 6(1), article number: 63. (10.1007/s41109-021-00403-5)
- Whitaker, R., Colombo, G. and Dunham, Y. 2021. The evolution of strongly-held group identities through agent-based cooperation. Scientific Reports 11, article number: 12071. (10.1038/s41598-021-91333-w)
- Davies, C. et al. 2021. Multi-scale user migration on Reddit. Presented at: Workshop on Cyber Social Threats at the 15th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2021), Virtual, 07 June 2021. AAAI, (10.36190/2021.13)
- Turalska, M., Lickorish, R., De Mel, G., Turner, L. and Whitaker, R. 2021. Optimizing the efficiency of collective decision making in groups. Presented at: SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, Virtual (FL, United States), 12-14 April 2021Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Multi-Domain Operations Applications III, Vol. 11746. International Society for Optics and Photonics, (10.1117/12.2587886)
- Hudson, L., Whitaker, R., Allen, S., Turner, L. and Felmlee, D. 2021. The centrality of edges based on their role in induced triads. Presented at: 2021 IEEE ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 08 - 11 November 2021.
- Morris, R. L., Turner, L. D., Whitaker, R. M. and Giammanco, C. 2020. Breadth verses depth: the impact of tree structure on cultural influence. Presented at: 2020 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation (SBP-BRiMS), Washington DC, USA, 19-21 October 2020Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Modeling: 13th International Conference, SBP-BRiMS 2020, Washington, DC, USA, October 18–21, 2020, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science/Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI Vol. 12268. Springer Verlag, (10.1007/978-3-030-61255-9_9)
- Aktipis, A., Whitaker, R. and Ayers, J. D. 2020. Do smartphones create a coordination problem for face-to-face interaction? Leveraging game theory to understand and solve the smartphone dilemma. BioEssays 42(4), article number: 1800261. (10.1002/bies.201800261)
- Alraddadi, E., Allen, S., Colombo, G. and Whitaker, R. 2020. The role of homophily in opinion formation among mobile agents. Journal of Information and Telecommunication 4(4), pp. 504-523. (10.1080/24751839.2020.1772614)
- Bedewi, W., Whitaker, R., Colombo, G., Allen, S. and Dunham, Y. 2020. The implications of shared identity on indirect reciprocity. Journal of Information and Telecommunication 4(4), pp. 405-424. (10.1080/24751839.2020.1741858)
- Ashford, J., Turner, L., Whitaker, R., Preece, A. and Felmlee, D. 2020. Assessing temporal and spatial features in detecting disruptive users on Reddit. Presented at: 10th Workshop on Social Network Analysis in Applications (SNAA 2020), The Hague, Netherlands, 3 August 2020.
- Turner, L., Allen, S. and Whitaker, R. 2019. The influence of concurrent mobile notifications on individual responses. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 132, pp. 70-80. (10.1016/j.ijhcs.2019.07.011)
- Noe, B., Turner, L. D., Linden, D. E. J., Allen, S. M., Winkens, B. and Whitaker, R. M. 2019. Identifying indicators of smartphone addiction through user-app interaction. Computers in Human Behavior 99, pp. 56-65. (10.1016/j.chb.2019.04.023)
- Noe, B., Turner, L. and Whitaker, R. 2019. Smartphone interaction and survey data as predictors of Snapchat usage. Presented at: UbiComp 2019, London, UK, 9-10 Sept 2019Adjunct Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers. pp. 438-445., (10.1145/3341162.3349298)
- Bedewi, W., Whitaker, R. M., Colombo, G. B., Allen, S. M. and Dunham, Y. 2019. Modelling stereotyping in cooperation systems. Presented at: ICCCI: International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence 2019, Hendaye, France, 4-6 September 2019 Presented at Nguyen, N. T. et al. eds.Computational Collective Intelligence: 11th International Conference, ICCCI 2019, Hendaye, France, September 4–6, 2019, Proceedings, Part I, Vol. 11683. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Cham: Springer Nature pp. -., (10.1007/978-3-030-28377-3_10)
- Ashford, J., Turner, L., Whitaker, R., Preece, A., Felmlee, D. and Towsley, D. 2019. Understanding the signature of controversial Wikipedia articles through motifs in editor revision networks. Presented at: The Web Conference 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA, 13-17 May 2019.
- Turner, L. D., Whitaker, R. M., Allen, S. M., Linden, D. E. J., Tu, K., Li, J. and Towsley, D. 2019. Evidence to support common application switching behaviour on smartphones. Royal Society Open Science 6(3), article number: 190018. (10.1098/rsos.190018)
- Morris, R., Turner, L., Whitaker, R. and Giammanco, C. 2019. The impact of peer pressure: extending Axelrod’s model on cultural polarisation. Presented at: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Computing (ICCC 2019), MIlan, Italy, 8-13 July 2019IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Computing (ICCC). IEEE pp. 114-121., (10.1109/ICCC.2019.00030)
- Whitaker, R. M., Colombo, G. B. and Rand, D. G. 2018. Indirect reciprocity and the evolution of prejudicial groups. Scientific Reports 8, article number: 13247. (10.1038/s41598-018-31363-z)
- Bellamy, R. et al. 2018. A computational framework for modelling inter-group behaviour using psychological theory. Presented at: SPIE Defense + Security 2018, Orlando, FL, USA, 15-18 April 2018Proceedings Volume 10653, Next-Generation Analyst VI, Vol. 10653. International Society for Optics and Photonics pp. 106530G., (10.1117/12.2309621)
- Noe, N., Whitaker, R. M. and Allen, S. M. 2018. Personality homophily and geographic distance in Facebook. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 21(6), pp. 361-366. (10.1089/cyber.2017.0615)
- Braines, D., Felmlee, D., Towsley, D., Tu, K., Whitaker, R. and Turner, L. 2018. The role of motifs in understanding behavior in social and engineered networks. Presented at: Next Generation Analyst IV at SPIE DSS, Orlando, Florida, 15-19 Apr 2018.
- Chun, Y. J., Colombo, G. B., Cotton, S. L., Scanlon, W. G., Whitaker, R. M. and Allen, S. M. 2017. Device-to-device communications: a performance analysis in the context of social comparison-based relaying. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16(12), pp. 7733-7745. (10.1109/TWC.2017.2751470)
- Turner, L. D., Allen, S. M. and Whitaker, R. M. 2017. Reachable but not receptive: enhancing smartphone interruptibility prediction by modelling the extent of user engagement with notifications. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 40, pp. 480-494. (10.1016/j.pmcj.2017.01.011)
- Noe, B., Turner, L., Linden, D., Allen, S. M., Maio, G. and Whitaker, R. 2017. Timing rather than user traits mediates mood sampling on smartphones. BMC Research Notes 10, article number: 481. (10.1186/s13104-017-2808-1)
- Colombo, G., Whitaker, R. M., Allen, S. M., Cotton, S., Young Jin, C. and William, S. 2017. Evolution of cooperation in device-to-device communication. Presented at: COCOA – COmpetitive and COoperative Approaches for 5G networks, Dresden, Germany, 17 May-2017European Wireless 2017; 23th European Wireless Conference. Berlin: VDE
- Whitaker, R. M., Turner, L. and Colombo, G. 2017. Intra-group tension under inter-group conflict: a generative model using group social norms and identity. Presented at: 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 17-21 July 2017.
- Williams, M. J., Whitaker, R. M. and Allen, S. M. 2017. There and back again: detecting regularity in human encounter communities. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 16(6), pp. 1744-1757. (10.1109/TMC.2016.2599169)
- Whitaker, R. M., Felmlee, D., Verma, D. C., Preece, A. D. and Williams, G. 2017. From evolution to revolution: understanding mutability in large and disruptive human groups. Presented at: SPIE Defense + Security Symposium: Next-Generation Analyst V, Anaheim, California, United States., 9 - 13 April 2017Next-Generation Analyst V, Vol. 10207. SPIE Proceedings Bellingham, Wa: SPIE pp. 1020703., (10.1117/12.2267996)
- Whitaker, R. M. 2017. A generative model for predicting terrorist incidents. Presented at: SPIE Defense + Security Symposium: Ground/Air Multisensor Interoperability, Integration, and Networking for Persistent ISR VIII, Anaheim, California United States., 9 - 13 April 2017. SPIE
- Eshghi, S., Williams, G., Colombo, G., Turner, L., Rand, D., Whitaker, R. M. and Tassiulas, L. 2017. Mathematical models for social group behavior. Presented at: DAIS 2017 - Workshop on Distributed Analytics InfraStructure and Algorithms for Multi-Organization Federations, San Francisco, CA, USA, 4-8 August 2017. IEEE
- Turner, L., Colombo, G., Whitaker, R. and Felmlee, D. 2017. Parameterising the dynamics of inter-group conflict from real world data. Presented at: DAIS 2017 - Workshop on Distributed Analytics InfraStructure and Algorithms for Multi-Organization Federations, San Francisco, CA, USA, 4-8 August 2017. IEEE
- Eshghi, S., Williams, G., Colombo, G. B., Turner, L. D., Rand, D. G., Whitaker, R. M. and Tassiulas, L. 2017. Stability and fracture of social groups. Presented at: 55th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, USA, 3-6 October 2017.
- Chun, Y. J., Colombo, G. B., Cotton, S. L., Scanlon, W. G., Whitaker, R. M. and Allen, S. M. 2016. Social comparison based relaying in device-to-device networks. Presented at: 27th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications, Valencia, Spain, 4th - 7th September 20162016 IEEE 27th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC). IEEE, (10.1109/PIMRC.2016.7794631)
- Noe, N., Whitaker, R. and Allen, S. 2016. Personality homophily and the local network characteristics of Facebook. Presented at: The 2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, San Francisco, CA, USA, 18 - 21 August 2016Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM). IEEE pp. 386-393., (10.1109/ASONAM.2016.7752263)
- Whitaker, R. M., Colombo, G. B., Allen, S. M. and Dunbar, R. I. M. 2016. A dominant social comparison heuristic unites alternative mechanisms for the evolution of indirect reciprocity. Scientific Reports 6, article number: 31459. (10.1038/srep31459)
- Noe, N., Whitaker, R. M., Chorley, M. J. and Pollet, T. V. 2016. Birds of a feather locate together? Foursquare checkins and personality homophily. Computers in Human Behavior 58, pp. 343-353. (10.1016/j.chb.2016.01.009)
- Webberley, W. M., Allen, S. M. and Whitaker, R. M. 2016. Retweeting beyond expectation: Inferring interestingness in Twitter. Computer Communications 73(B), pp. 229-235. (10.1016/j.comcom.2015.07.016)
- Mordacchini, M. et al. 2015. Crowdsourcing through cognitive opportunistic networks. ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems 10(2), article number: 13. (10.1145/2733379)
- Chorley, M. J., Whitaker, R. M. and Allen, S. M. 2015. Personality and location-based social networks. Computers in Human Behavior 46, pp. 45-56. (10.1016/j.chb.2014.12.038)
- Chorley, M. J., Colombo, G. B., Allen, S. M. and Whitaker, R. M. 2015. Human content filtering in Twitter: The influence of metadata. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 74, pp. 32-40. (10.1016/j.ijhcs.2014.10.001)
- Turner, L. D., Allen, S. M. and Whitaker, R. M. 2015. Interruptibility prediction for ubiquitous systems: conventions and new directions from a growing field. Presented at: 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Osaka, Japan, 7-11 September 2015Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. New York, USA: ACM, (10.1145/2750858.2807514)
- Whitaker, R. M., Chorley, M. and Allen, S. M. 2015. New frontiers for crowdsourcing: The extended mind. Presented at: 48th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Koloa, Hawaii, USA, 5-8 January 2015.
- Turner, L. D., Allen, S. M. and Whitaker, R. M. 2015. Push or delay? Decomposing Smartphone notification response behaviour. Presented at: Sixth International Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding, Osaka, Japan, 8 September 2015Human Behavior Understanding. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Berlin: Springer pp. 69-83., (10.1007/978-3-319-24195-1_6)
- Ferscha, A., Paradiso, J. and Whitaker, R. M. 2014. Attention management in pervasive computing [guest editorial]. IEEE Pervasive Computing 13(1), pp. 19-21. (10.1109/MPRV.2014.2)
- Chorley, M., Colombo, G. B., Allen, S. M. and Whitaker, R. M. 2013. Visiting patterns and personality of foursquare users. Presented at: Third International Conference on Social Computing and its Applications, Karlsruhe, Germany, 30 Sept - 2 Oct 2013. , (10.1109/CGC.2013.50)
- Hurley, S., Wade, A. and Whitaker, R. M. 2013. Spectrum sharing in competing wireless systems: A simulation study using WLAN and WMAN. Journal of Network and Systems Management 21(2), pp. 264-297. (10.1007/s10922-012-9235-3)
- Ghosh, S. C., Whitaker, R. M., Allen, S. M. and Hurley, S. 2013. Optimising CDMA cell planning with soft handover. Wireless Personal Communications 68(2), pp. 321-347. (10.1007/s11277-011-0454-9)
- Webberley, W., Allen, S. M. and Whitaker, R. M. 2013. Inferring the interesting tweets in your network. Presented at: 3rd International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing (CGC), Karlsruhe, Germany, 30 Sept - 2 Oct 2013Cloud and Green Computing (CGC), 2013 Third International Conference on. IEEE pp. 575-580., (10.1109/CGC.2013.100)
- Ghosh, S. C., Whitaker, R. M., Allen, S. M. and Hurley, S. 2012. Dynamic data resolution to improve the tractability of UMTS network planning. Annals of Operations Research 201(1), pp. 197-227. (10.1007/s10479-012-1176-4)
- Allen, S. M., Chorley, M., Colombo, G. B. and Whitaker, R. M. 2012. Opportunistic social dissemination of micro-blogs. Ad Hoc Networks 10(8), pp. 1570-1585. (10.1016/j.adhoc.2011.04.012)
- Williams, M. J., Whitaker, R. M. and Allen, S. M. 2012. Decentralised detection of periodic encounter communities in opportunistic networks. Ad Hoc Networks 10(8), pp. 1544-1556. (10.1016/j.adhoc.2011.07.008)
- Allen, S. M., Cooper, I. M. and Whitaker, R. M. 2012. Optimising multi-rate link scheduling for wireless mesh networks. Computer Communications 35(16), pp. 2014-2024. (10.1016/j.comcom.2012.06.006)
- Chorley, M., Colombo, G. B., Allen, S. M. and Whitaker, R. M. 2012. Better the tweeter you know: social signals on Twitter. Presented at: Fourth ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Computing 2012 (SocialCom 2012), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 3-5 September 2012 Presented at Nijholt, A., Vinciarelli, A. and Heylen, D. eds.Proceedings of the 2012 ASE/IEEE International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust and 2012 ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Computing: SocialCom/PASSAT 2012. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE pp. 277-282., (10.1109/SocialCom-PASSAT.2012.27)
- Colombo, G. B., Chorley, M., Williams, M. J., Allen, S. M. and Whitaker, R. M. 2012. You are where you eat: foursquare checkins as indicators of human mobility and behaviour. Presented at: IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PERCOM Workshops), Lugano, Switzerland, 19-23 March 20122012 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PERCOM Workshops). Picastaway, NJ: IEEE pp. 217-222., (10.1109/PerComW.2012.6197483)
- Williams, M. J., Whitaker, R. M. and Allen, S. M. 2012. Measuring individual regularity in human visiting patterns. Presented at: 2012 International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3-5 September 2012Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT), 2012 International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers pp. 117-122., (10.1109/SocialCom-PASSAT.2012.93)
- Allen, S. M., Chorley, M., Colombo, G. B., Jaho, E., Karaliopoulos, M., Stavrakakis, I. and Whitaker, R. M. 2011. Exploiting user interest similarity and social links for micro-blog forwarding in mobile opportunistic networks. Pervasive and Mobile Computing n/a (10.1016/j.pmcj.2011.12.003)
- Allen, S. M., Colombo, G. B. and Whitaker, R. M. 2010. Cooperation through self-similar social networks. ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems 5(1), article number: 4. (10.1145/1671948.1671952)
- Allen, S. M., Colombo, G. B. and Whitaker, R. M. 2010. Uttering: social micro-blogging without the internet. Presented at: 2nd International MobiSys Workshop on Mobile Opportunistic Networking, Pisa, Italy, 22-23 February 2010 Presented at Palazzo, S., Camp, T. and Conti, M. eds.MobiOpp '10 Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Mobile Opportunistic Networking, Pisa, Italy, 22-23 February, 2010. New York, NY: ACM pp. 58-64., (10.1145/1755743.1755754)
- Ghosh, S. C., Whitaker, R. M., Allen, S. M. and Hurley, S. 2009. Service coverage bounds through efficient load approximation in UMTS network planning. Presented at: International Conference on Networks and Communications, Chennai, India, 27-29 December 2009First International Conference on Networks and Communications, 2009 (NETCOM '09), Chennai, India, 27-29 Dec. 2009. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE pp. 202-207., (10.1109/NetCoM.2009.13)
- Whitaker, R. M., Allen, S. M. and Hurley, S. 2009. Efficient offline coverage and load evaluation for CDMA network modeling. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 58(7), pp. 3704-3712. (10.1109/TVT.2009.2017900)
- Whitaker, R. M., Hurley, S. and Allen, S. M. 2009. Modeling Cell Placement and Coverage for Heterogeneous 3G Services. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 44, pp. 241-256. (10.1007/978-0-387-71787-6_16)
- Allen, S. M., Whitaker, R. M. and Hurley, S. 2009. Optimized Seed Node Locations for Infrastructure Wireless Mesh Networks. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 44, pp. 1-19. (10.1007/978-0-387-71787-6_1)
- Greede, A., Allen, S. M. and Whitaker, R. M. 2009. RFP: Repository Based Forwarding Protocol for opportunistic networks. Presented at: Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services and Technologies, Cardiff, UK, 16-19 September 2009 Presented at Al-Begain, K. ed.Third International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services and Technologies, 2009 (NGMAST '09), Cardiff, Wales, 15-18 Sept. 2009. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE pp. 329-334., (10.1109/NGMAST.2009.33)
- Allen, S. M. and Whitaker, R. M. 2009. The effect of consumer demand on optimised wireless mesh network deployment. Presented at: 1st International Conference on Wireless Communication, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace & Electronic Systems Technology, Aalborg, Denmark, 17-20 May 20092009 1st International Conference on Wireless Communication, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace & Electronic Systems Technology (Wireless Vitae 2009). Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE pp. 906-910., (10.1109/WIRELESSVITAE.2009.5172570)
- Hodge, L. E., Ghosh, S. C., Hurley, S., Whitaker, R. M. and Allen, S. M. 2009. Upper and lower bounds for pilot coverage in UMTS networks. Presented at: International Conference on Wireless Networks, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 13-16 July 2009 Presented at Arabnia, H. R. and Clincy, V. A. eds.Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN 2009), Las Vegas, USA, 13-16 July 2009. CSREA Press pp. 423-429.
- Hodge, L. E., Ghosh, S. C., Hurley, S., Whitaker, R. M. and Allen, S. M. 2009. Flexible grids for wireless network planning. Presented at: International Conference on Wireless Networks, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 13-16 July 2009 Presented at Arabnia, H. R. and Clincy, V. A. eds.Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN 2009), Las Vegas, USA, 13-16 July 2009. CSREA Press pp. 541-545.
- Allen, S. M., Whitaker, R. M. and Hurley, S. 2008. Personalised subscription pricing for optimised wireless mesh network deployment. Computer Networks 52(11), pp. 2172-2188. (10.1016/j.comnet.2008.03.007)
- Colombo, G. B., Whitaker, R. M. and Allen, S. M. 2008. Cooperation in social networks of trust. Presented at: 2nd IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, Venice, Italy, 20-24 October 2008 Presented at Di Marzo Serugendo, G. and Gleizes, M. eds.SASOW 2008 proceedings: Second IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops, Venice, Italy, 20-24 Oct. 2008. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE pp. 78-83., (10.1109/SASOW.2008.39)
- Hodge, L. E., Ghosh, S. C., Hurley, S., Whitaker, R. M. and Allen, S. M. 2008. Coverage and service bounds for UMTS. Presented at: International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications, and Systems, Yilan, Taiwan, 10-12 September 2008 Presented at Lin, Y., Chao, H. and Chong, P. H. J. eds.Mobility '08: Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications, and Systems, Yilan, Taiwan, 10-12 September, 2008. New York, NY: ACM, (10.1145/1506270.1506333)
- Hurley, S., Wade, A. A. and Whitaker, R. M. 2008. Simulation of spectrum sharing in WLAN and WMAN using frequency hopping and spectrum commons. Presented at: 7th Wireless Telecommunications Symposium, Pomona, CA, USA, 24-26 April 2008 Presented at Zeng, Q. ed.Wireless Telecommunications Symposium, 2008. WTS 2008. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE pp. 260-266., (10.1109/WTS.2008.4547573)
- Lenando, H. and Whitaker, R. M. 2008. The quality of spatial-temporal information from mobile peer-to-peer interactions. Presented at: Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS 2008), Pomona, CA, USA, 24-26 April 2008 Presented at Zeng, Q. ed.2008 Wireless Telecommunications Symposium. Piscataway: IEEE pp. 187-195., (10.1109/WTS.2008.4547564)
- Lenando, H. and Whitaker, R. M. 2008. Maintaining spatial-temporal knowledge through human interaction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5151, pp. 307-318. (10.1007/978-3-540-92191-2_27)
- Allen, S. M. et al. 2008. Social networking for pervasive adaptation. Presented at: Second IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops, Venice, Italy, 20-24 October 2008 Presented at Di Marzo Serugendo, G. and Gleizes, M. -. P. eds.Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops (SASOW 2008), Venice, Italy, 20-24 October 2008. Los Alamitos, CA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers pp. 49-54., (10.1109/SASOW.2008.34)
- Greede, A., Allen, S. M. and Whitaker, R. M. 2008. A simple human mobility model for opportunistic networks. Presented at: 9th Annual Postgraduate Symposium : The Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking and Broadcasting, Liverpool John Moores University, 23-24 June 2008Proceedings of the 9th Annual Postgraduate Symposium on the Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking and Broadcasting, Liverpool, UK, 23-24 June 2008. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool John Moores University
- Ollis, M. A. and Whitaker, R. M. 2007. On invertible terraces for non-abelian groups. Journal of Combinatorial Designs 15(5), pp. 437-447. (10.1002/jcd.20127)
- Whitaker, R. M., Hurley, S. and Allen, S. M. 2007. Sensitivity of service coverage evaluation for WCDMA systems. Presented at: 6th Annual Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS 2007), Pomona, CA, April 26-28, 2007WTS 2007 Wireless Telecommunications Symposium, 2007. Piscataway: IEEE pp. 1-10., (10.1109/WTS.2007.4563325)
- Allen, S. M., Whitaker, R. M. and Hurley, S. 2007. Seed node deployment for wireless mesh networks with uncertain subscription. pp. 1-7., (10.1109/WTS.2007.4563324)
- Allen, S. M., Whitaker, R. M. and Hurley, S. 2007. Seed node deployment for wireless mesh networks with uncertain subscription. Presented at: 6th Annual Wireless Telecommunications Symposium, 2007, Pomona, CA, USA, 26-28 April 2007WTS 2007 Wireless Telecommunications Symposium, 2007. Picataway, N.J.: IEEE pp. 1-7., (10.1109/WTS.2007.4563324)
- Hodge, L. E., Whitaker, R. M. and Hurley, S. 2006. Multiple objective optimization of bluetooth scatternets. Journal of combinatorial optimization 11(1), pp. 43-57. (10.1007/s10878-006-5976-9)
- Samko, V., Hurley, S., Allen, S. M. and Whitaker, R. M. 2006. Optimized design of dynamic networks with heuristic algorithms. In: Pinter, J. D. ed. Global Optimization: Scientific and Engineering Case Studies.. Nonconvex Optimization and its Applications Vol. 85. Springer US, pp. 45-72., (10.1007/0-387-30927-6_3)
- Whitaker, R. M., Raisanen, L. M. and Hurley, S. 2005. The Infrastructure efficiency of cellular wireless networks. Computer networks 48(6), pp. 941-959. (10.1016/j.comnet.2004.11.014)
- Whitaker, R. M. and Raisanen, L. 2005. Comparison and Evaluation of Multiple Objective Genetic Algorithms for the Antenna Placement Problem. Mobile Networks and Applications 10(1-2), pp. 79-88. (10.1023/B:MONE.0000048547.84327.95)
- Whitaker, R. M., Hodge, L. E. and Chlamtac, I. 2005. Bluetooth scatternet formation: A survey. Ad Hoc Networks 3(4), pp. 403-450. (10.1016/j.adhoc.2004.02.002)
- Whitaker, R. M., Raisanen, L. M. and Hurley, S. 2005. The marginal cost of service provision in cellular networks. Presented at: HICSS '05. 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, 3-6 January 2005, Hawaii, USA, 3-6 Jnuary 2005System Sciences, 2005. HICSS '05. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on. IEEE pp. 304b., (10.1109/HICSS.2005.603)
- Gavish, B., Ofek, Y. and Whitaker, R. M. 2005. Uplink analysis with mobile devices using directional-smart antennas. International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation 1(1), pp. 76-83. (10.1504/IJMNDI.2005.007938)
- Allen, S. M., Hurley, S., Subodh, V. and Whitaker, R. M. 2005. Assessing coverage in wireless mesh networks. Presented at: MeshNets 2005, Budapest, Hungary, 10 July 2005.
- Raisanen, L. M. and Whitaker, R. M. 2004. The application of nature-inspired nest building to wireless site selection. Presented at: PPSN VIII: The 8th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Birmingham, UK, 18-22 September 2004.
- Whitaker, R. M. and Hurley, S. 2004. On the optimality of facility location for wireless transmission infrastructure. Computers & industrial engineering 46(1), pp. 171-191. (10.1016/j.cie.2004.01.002)
- Allen, S. M., Hurley, S., Samko, V. and Whitaker, R. M. 2004. The design and simulation of reliable wireless networks in dynamic environments. Presented at: Networks, 2004. (ICON 2004) 12th IEEE International Conference on, Singapore, Malaysia, 16-19 November 2004 Presented at Pung, H. ed.2004 12th IEEE International Conference on Networks : (ICON 2004) : unity in diversity : proceedings. Piscataway, N.J: IEEE pp. 92-96., (10.1109/ICON.2004.1409096)
- Allen, S. M., Belloul, B., Hurley, S., Saunders, S. and Whitaker, R. M. 2004. Smart cell planning and optimisation for UMTS. Presented at: 3G Mobile Communication Technologies, 2004. 3G 2004. Fifth IEE International Conference, London, UK, 18-20 October 2004Fifth IEE International Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies (3G 2004) : the premier technical conference for 3G and beyond, Vol. 2004. IEE conference publication Vol. 503. London: IEEE pp. 34-38., (10.1049/cp:20040630)
- Allen, S. M., Hurley, S., Taplin, R. K. and Whitaker, R. M. 2004. Automated cell planning to improve network rollout. Presented at: Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004, VTC2004-Fall, 2004 IEEE 60th., Los Angeles, CA, USA, 26-29 September 2004VTC 2004 Fall: Proceedings, Vol. 5. Piscataway, N.J: IEEE pp. 3438-3442.
- Raisanen, L. M., Whitaker, R. M. and Hurley, S. 2004. A comparison of randomized and evolutionary approaches for optimizing base station site selection. Presented at: ACM Symposium on Applied Computing SAC 2004, Nicosia, Cyprus, 14-17 March 2004SAC '04 Proceedings of the 2004 ACM symposium on Applied computing. New York, NY: ACM pp. 1159-1165., (10.1145/967900.968136)
- Whitaker, R. M., Raisanen, L. M. and Hurley, S. 2004. A model for conflict resolution between coverage and cost in cellular wireless networks. Presented at: Proceedings of the 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on, Big Island, HI, USA, 5-8 January 2004System Sciences, 2004. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on, Vol. 9. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press pp. 90287.1., (10.1109/HICSS.2004.1265677)
- Whitaker, R. M., Raisanen, L. M. and Hurley, S. 2004. Explicit characterization of tensions in downlink cell planning. Presented at: Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004. VTC2004-Fall. 2004 IEEE 60th, Los Angeles, CA, 26-29 September 2004Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004. VTC2004-Fall. 2004 IEEE 60th., Vol. 5. Piscataway, N.J: IEEE pp. 3434-3437., (10.1109/VETECF.2004.1404701)
- Gaywood, R. M., Hurley, S. and Whitaker, R. M. 2004. Meta-heuristic channel assignment for frequency hopping systems. Presented at: The 4th IASTED International Multi-Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications, Banff, Canada, 8 - 10 July 2004 Presented at Fapojuwo, A. O. ed.Proceedings of the Fourth IASTED International Multi-Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications. Calgary: ACTA Press
- Weston, C. L., Whitaker, R. M. and Hurley, S. 2004. The effects of downlink transmission activity on service coverage in FDMA cellular networks. Presented at: The 4th IASTED International Multi-Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications, Banff, Canada, 8 - 10 July 2004 Presented at Fapoiuwo, A. ed.Proceedings of the Fourth IASTED International Multi-Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications. Calgary: ACTA Press
- Hodge, L. E. and Whitaker, R. M. 2004. Assessing bluetooth scatternet formation. Presented at: VTC2004-Fall Los Angeles : 2004 IEEE 59th Vehicular Technology Conference : Wireless technologies for global security, Los Angeles, CA, 26-29 September 2004VTC2004-Fall Los Angeles : 2004 IEEE 59th Vehicular Technology Conference : Wireless technologies for global security : proceedings : 26-29 September, 2004, Los Angeles Airport Marriott Hotel, Los Angeles, California, USA, Vol. 5. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE pp. 3579-3583., (10.1109/VETECF.2004.1404731)
- Hodge, L. E. and Whitaker, R. M. 2004. What are the characteristics of optimal bluetooth scatternets?. Presented at: MobiQuitous 2004 : proceedings of MobiQuitous 2004 the First Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems : Networking and Services, Boston, MA, 22-26 August 2004 Presented at Chlamtac, I. and Giunchiglia, F. eds.Mobiquitous 2004: Proceedings of Mobiquitous 2004 the First Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networking. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society pp. 124-125., (10.1109/MOBIQ.2004.1331718)
- Hodge, L. E. and Whitaker, R. M. 2004. www.scatternet.org: A comparative framework for scatternet formation protocols. Presented at: ICWN '04 : International Conference on Wireless Networks, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 21 - 24 June 2004 Presented at Arabnia, H. R., Yang, L. T. and Yeh, C. eds.ICWN '04: Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Networks. CSREA Press pp. 302-305.
- Allen, S. M., Hurley, S. and Whitaker, R. M. 2002. Automated decision technology for network design in cellular communication systems. Presented at: 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 7-10 January 2002Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2002. IEEE pp. 1-8., (10.1109/HICSS.2002.994002)
- Allen, S. M., Evans, D., Hurley, S. and Whitaker, R. M. 2002. Communications network design with mobility characteristics. Presented at: IEEE 55th Vehicular Technology Conference 2002: VTC Spring 2002, Birmingham, AL, USA, 6-9 May 2002Vehicular Technology Conference, 2002. VTC Spring 2002. IEEE 55th, Vol. 3. New York, NY: IEEE pp. 1420-1423., (10.1109/VTC.2002.1002850)
- Allen, S. M., Hurley, S., Taplin, R. K., Wade, A. A. and Whitaker, R. M. 2002. Maximising spectrum efficiency for BFWA through automatic cell planning. Presented at: Getting the Most Out of the Radio Spectrum, London, UK, 24-25 October 2002IEE Two Day Conference. Getting the Most Out of the Radio Spectrum. IEE Digest Vol. 112. IEE pp. 10., (10.1049/ic:20020238)
- Allen, S. M., Hodge, L. E., Hurley, S. and Whitaker, R. M. 2002. Estimating the site requirements for 3G multimedia services. Presented at: 5th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, 27-30 October 2002The 5th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, 2002., Vol. 3. New York, NY: IEEE pp. 1202-1206., (10.1109/WPMC.2002.1088369)
- Allen, S. M., Hurley, S. and Whitaker, R. M. 2002. Automated optimisation for spectrum management. Presented at: Getting the Most Out of the Radio Spectrum, London, UK, 24-25 October 2002IEE Two Day Conference. Getting the Most Out of the Radio Spectrum. IEE Digest Vol. 112. IEE pp. 20., (10.1049/ic:20020248)
- Hurley, S. and Whitaker, R. M. 2002. An agent based approach to site selection for wireless networks. Presented at: 2002 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 10-14 March 2002Proceedings of the 2002 ACM symposium on Applied computing. New York, NY: IEEE pp. 574-577., (10.1145/508791.508902)
- Whitaker, R. M. and Hurley, S. 2002. Improving the accuracy of interference models for channel assignment. Presented at: 5th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, 27-30 October 2002The 5th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, 2002., Vol. 2. IEEE pp. 640-644., (10.1109/WPMC.2002.1088253)
- Hurley, S., Whitaker, R. M. and Smith, D. H. 2001. Channel loading in private mobile radio networks. Annals of operations research 107(1-4), pp. 211-224. (10.1023/A:1014907300704)
- Allen, S. M., Hurley, S. and Whitaker, R. M. 2001. Spectrally efficient cell planning in mobile wireless networks. Presented at: 53rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2001), Spring 2001Vehicular Technology Conference, 2001. VTC 2001 Spring. IEEE VTS 53rd, Vol. 2. IEEE pp. 931-935., (10.1109/VETECS.2001.944515)
- Bedford, D. and Whitaker, R. M. 2001. Bounds on the maximum number of Latin squares in a mutually quasi-orthogonal set. Discrete Mathematics 231(1-3), pp. 89-96. (10.1016/S0012-365X(00)00307-1)
- Bedford, D., Ollis, M. A. and Whitaker, R. M. 2001. On bipartite tournaments balanced with respect to carry-over effects for both teams. Discrete Mathematics 231(1-3), pp. 81-87. (10.1016/S0012-365X(00)00306-X)
- Allen, S. M., Hurley, S., Taplin, R. K. and Whitaker, R. M. 2001. Automatic cell planning of broadband fixed wireless networks. Presented at: 53rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2001), Spring 2001Vehicular Technology Conference, 2001. VTC 2001 Spring. IEEE VTS 53rd, Vol. 4. New York, NY: IEEE pp. 2808-2812., (10.1109/VETECS.2001.944113)
Recent research highlights include:
- modelling the interplay between cognitive dissonance and evolution of social networks;
- one of the first computational models to further understand the important phenomenon of identity fusion;
- identifying social comparison as a fundamental computational concept for self-organisation in social dilemmas;
- understanding how prejudicial groups of artificial agents can easily establish themselves and cause disruption;
- determining common patterns of human behaviour in navigating smartphone applications "in-the-wild";
- understanding the relationship between street-level mobility and individual personality differences;
- insights into smartphone usage and addiction through user-app interactions.
I'm currently prioritising approaches to innovation through human and machine intelligence. These directions build on longstanding interests in social networks, cognition and evolutionary approaches to problem solving in engineering.