Dr Nikos Kapitsinis
Research Associate, Welsh Economy Research Unit
- kapitsinisn1@cardiff.ac.uk
- Room T02, Aberconway Building, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU
Nikos is an early career Research Associate in Wales Economy Research Unit at Cardiff Business School. His current research focuses on structural issues of the Welsh economy, the role of SMEs and their access to finance, under the project Economic Intelligence Wales, operated by Cardiff Business School, Office for National Statistics and Development Bank of Wales. He is also engaged with the GCRF Catalyst Project seeking environmentally, socially and economically resilient solutions to the environmental issue of eutrophication in the HaLong Bay area of Vietnam. Nikos is also teaching at Undergraduate on various programmes across the Business School. Nikos is an economic geographer with a background in political economy approach to uneven geographical development, geographies of production and globalisation, capital mobility, local development and finance, and macroeconomics. He holds a BSc in Planning and Regional Development from the University of Thessaly, an MSc in European Regional Development Studies from the University of Thessaly, and an MRes in Regional Studies from the University of Groningen. He was awarded his PhD in Economic Geography in the School of Geographical Sciences at the University of Bristol. Nikos’ work has been published in international top-ranked journals, such as Geoforum and European Planning Studies. He is a Regional Studies Association Fellow and received the commendation for the Best Young Scientist Paper in the 4th Pan-Hellenic Congress of Urbanism, Spatial Planning and Regional Development in 2015.
Education and qualifications
- 2017: PhD in Economic Geography, University of Bristol, UK
- 2012: MRes in Regional Studies, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
- 2010: MSc in European Regional Development Studies, University of Thessaly, Greece
- 2009: BSc in Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Greece
Honours and awards
- Regional Studies Association Fellow, 2017
- Commendation for Best Young Scientist Paper in the 4th Pan-Hellenic Congress of Urbanism, Spatial Planning and Regional Development, Volos, Greece, 24-27 September 2015: The impact of crisis on firm relocation. The case of Greece and Bulgaria, 2015
- University of Bristol Scholarship, 2012
Academic positions
2020-present: Research Associate, Cardiff Business School, Welsh Economic Research Unit, GCRF Catalyst Project
2018-present: Research Associate, Cardiff Business School, Welsh Economic Research Unit, Economic Intelligence Wales Project
2017-2018: Research Assistant, Cardiff Business School, Wales Public Services 2025
Speaking engagements
The geographical spread of Covid-19 across the EU regions (2020) Seminar organised by the Urban and Regional Studies Institute, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen, 20th October 2020
A review of the current business rates scheme in Wales and the effects of a potential local retention (2020) Scientific Workshop on Regional Economics issues. Organised by the Department of Regional Development and Planning, University of Thessaly, Volos, 16th July 2020
Welsh voluntary sector funding in the post-2010 austerity (2018). Sustaining Wales’ Public Services: Austerity and Beyond. Organised by Wales Public Services, Pierhead, Cardiff, 12th July 2018
Committees and reviewing
Journal reviewer, Regional Science Policy and Practice
Journal reviewer, Small Business Economics
Journal reviewer, REGION
- McKinley, E. et al. 2024. The human dimensions of harmful algal blooms: An evolving research agenda. Ocean & Coastal Management 259, article number: 107432. (10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2024.107432)
- Henderson, D., Munday, M., Kapitsinis, N., Jones, C., Rana, O., Cowell, R. and Mukherjee, A. 2022. 5G Wales unlocked observatory: final report. Technical Report.
- Munday, M., Huggins, R., Kapitsinis, N. and Roberts, A. 2022. CSconnected: Does CS cluster inward investment improve regional economic prospects?. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: CSconnected. Available at: https://csconnected.com/media/utkj4qir/csconnected_inward-investment_cardiff-business-school-report.pdf#:~:text=The%20evidence%20suggests%20that%20the%20CS%20cluster%20has,potentially%20better%20placed%20to%20generate%20local%20economic%20transformation.
- Kapitsinis, N. 2021. Why excess deaths have varied so greatly around the world during the pandemic. The Conversation
- Kapitsinis, N. 2021. Test and trace, early, short lockdowns and well-funded healthcare: the factors that led to lower excess mortality. [Online]. London School of Economics. Available at: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/covid19/2021/11/25/test-and-trace-early-short-lockdowns-and-well-funded-healthcare-the-factors-that-led-to-lower-excess-mortality/
- Kapitsinis, N. 2021. The underlying factors of excess mortality in 2020: a cross-country analysis of pre-pandemic healthcare conditions and strategies to cope with Covid-19. BMC Health Services Research 21, article number: 1197. (10.1186/s12913-021-07169-7)
- Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Kapitsinis, N. 2021. Economic Intelligence Wales Annual Report August 2021. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2022-10/ENG%20EIW%20Annual%20report%2020_21.pdf
- Kapitsinis, N., Saroukou, A., Sykas, G. and Psarologos, D. 2021. An overview of the Covid-19 effects on employment during 2020. Evidence from Cyprus, France, Spain, Greece, Italy, Malta, Croatia and Portugal. Technical Report.
- Kapitsinis, N. 2021. Welsh voluntary sector funding in the post-2010 austerity period. Welsh Economic Review 28, pp. 33-41. (10.18573/wer.261)
- Kapitsinis, N. and Sykas, G. 2021. A brief overview on the uneven impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on employment, 2020Q2 and 2020Q3. Evidence from Cyprus, France, Spain, Greece, Italy, Malta, Croatia and Portugal. Technical Report.
- Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2021. Exploring a low SME equity equilibrium in Wales. European Planning Studies 29(10), pp. 1777-1797. (10.1080/09654313.2021.1882945)
- Henley, A., Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2020. Covid-19 Welsh government financial interventions: an analysis of Welsh beneficiaries. Technical Report.
- Kapitsinis, N. 2020. The underlying factors of the Covid-19 spatially uneven spread. Initial evidence from regions in 9 EU countries. Regional Science Policy and Practice 12(6), pp. 1027-1045. (10.1111/rsp3.12340)
- Kapitsinis, N. 2020. What made an EU region likely to suffer higher COVID-19 deaths?. [Online]. blogs.lse.ac.uk: London School of Economics and Political Science. Available at: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/covid19/2020/12/18/what-made-an-eu-region-likely-to-suffer-higher-covid-19-deaths/
- Gialis, S. and Kapitsinis, N. 2020. The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on youth employment: a southern EU perspective. Fund for Youth Employment-EEA and Norway Grants.
- Kapitsinis, N., Sykas, G., Kanelleas, A., Psarologos, D., Voulgaris, D., Gourzis, K. and Gialis, S. 2020. A brief overview on the uneven impact of the Covid-19 pandemic upon employment and the young NEETs: evidence from Greek regions and sectors. Technical Report.
- Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2020. Business succession in Wales. Development Bank of Wales. Available at: http://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2020-05/EIW succession report May 2020 ENG Final.pdf
- Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2019. Medium-sized businesses and Welsh business structure. Project Report. [Online]. Development Bank of Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2019-11/EIW Quarterly Bespoke report English.pdf
- Kapitsinis, N. 2019. A socioeconomic analysis of Greek entrepreneurs’ migration to Bulgaria before and after the 2007 crisis. The Greek Review of Social Research 152, pp. 159-208. (10.12681/grsr.21454)
- Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2019. Equity clusters in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Development Bank of Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2019-04/Equity Clusters Report_final.pdf
- Kapitsinis, N. 2019. The impact of economic crisis on firm relocation: Greek SME movement to Bulgaria and its effects on business performance. Geojournal 84(2), pp. 321-343. (10.1007/s10708-018-9863-6)
- Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Williams, R. 2019. Export finance in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Development Bank of Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2019-02/English_Bespoke Report_FINAL_25 Feb2019.pdf
- Kapitsinis, N. 2019. A review of the current business rates scheme in Wales and the effects of a potential local retention. Local Economy 34(1), pp. 10-32. (10.1177/0269094218824272)
- Kapitsinis, N. 2018. Interpreting business mobility through socio-economic differentiation. Greek firm relocation to Bulgaria before and after the 2007 global economic crisis. Geoforum 96, pp. 119-128. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2018.08.002)
- Kapitsinis, N. 2018. The effects of the 2007 global economic crisis on firm relocation factors: SME movements from Greece to Bulgaria. In: Capik, P. and Dej, M. eds. Relocation of Economic Activity Contemporary Theory and Practice in Local, Regional and Global Perspectives. Springer, pp. 125-143., (10.1007/978-3-319-92282-9_8)
- Kapitsinis, N. 2018. Income & funding of Welsh Voluntary sector post austerity. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Wales Public Services 2025. Available at: http://www.walespublicservices2025.org.uk/files/2018/08/Income-and-funding-of-the-Welsh-voluntary-sector-in-the-post-2010-austerity-period.pdf
- Kapitsinis, N. 2018. The effects of the 2007 global economic crisis on the Greek economy and SMEs. In: Diallo, M. F. and Kaswengi, J. eds. In Times of Crisis: Perspectives and Challenges of the 21st Century.. New York: Nova Science Publishers
- Kapitsinis, N. and Luchinskaya, D. 2018. Business rates in Wales, local retention and regional growth deals. Policy Report.. Cardiff: Wales Public Services 2025. Available at: http://www.walespublicservices2025.org.uk/files/2018/03/NDR-policy-report-final.pdf
- Kapitsinis, N. 2017. Firm relocation in times of economic crisis: evidence from Greek small and medium enterprises' movement to Bulgaria, 2007-2014. European Planning Studies 25(4), pp. 703-725. (10.1080/09654313.2017.1288703)
- Kapitsinis, N. 2017. Firm mobility in the conditions of the 2007 global economic crisis. Firm relocation from Greece to Bulgaria and its impact on business performance. Geographies
- Kapitsinis, N. 2016. The effects of the economic crisis on firm mobility. A comparative analysis of pre- and post-crisis Greek firm movements to Bulgaria. Aeihoros 24, pp. 86-122.
- Koster, S. and Kapitsinis, N. 2015. Analysing the geography of high-impact entrepreneurship. In: Karlsson, C., Andersson, M. and Norman, T. eds. Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Economic Geography. Elgar Online, pp. 597-613., (10.4337/9780857932679.00036)
- Kapitsinis, N. 2014. Firm relocation in the context of the current crisis: patterns, incentives and factors. Evidence from Greece and Bulgaria. In: Proceedings of the RSA Winter Conference: Sustainable Recovery? Rebalancing, Growth, and the Space Economy.. Regional Studies Association, pp. 97-100.
- Kapitsinis, N., Metaxas, T. and Duquenne, M. N. 2013. Exploring the coherence and the meaning of territorial competition. Do national states behave in the same way as firms in case of default? The case of Greece and Dubai. Applied Econometrics and International Development 13(2), pp. 57-72.
- Kapitsinis, N. and Karampini, E. 2012. The impact of economic crisis on Thessaly region. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Pan-Hellenic Congress of Urbanism, Spatial Planning and Regional Development. Thessaly University Press
- Kapitsinis, N., Mikroni, M. and Nakou, P. 2009. Conceptual perceptions of Space: The Marxist perception of space. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Pan-Hellenic Congress of Urbanism, Spatial Planning and Regional Development, Volume I. Thessaly University Press, pp. 565-571.
Nikos is teaching at Undergraduate on various programmes across the Business School. Currently teaching on:
- BS2560 Managerial Economics
- BS3561 Modern Business Enterprise
- BST186 Economics and the Business Environment
Primary research interests
- Economic Geography
- Geographical Unevenness
- Globalisation
- Regional Development
- Political economy
Secondary research interests
- Geographies of production
- Geographies of employment
- Covid-19 geographical spread
- Environmentally, socially and economically resilient solutions to environmental issues
- Capital mobility
- Business finance
- Public policy