Research Overview
My research focuses on the evaluation of the potential for OCT, a commonly used imaging technique in eye care to detect these early signs of retinal damage. Current commercially available devices are not suitable for this task since they digitally filter and discard the optical signals that will arise from changes in the organisation of cellular organelles. These organelles cannot be imaged individually by OCT, but collectively, they generate optic signals (image texture) that provide surrogate, quantitative measurements of neuronal integrity
Professional Memberships
Member of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ESCRS)
Member of the International Council of Ophthalmologists (ICO)
Member of the National Medical Association of Kazakhstan (NMA Kazakhstan)
Member of the Kazakhstan Society of Ophthalmologists
Member of the Kazakhstan Medical Students’ Association (KazMSA)
Educational and Professional Qualifications
2017 – Present: PhD, Cardiff University
2016-2017: MD, Ophthalmology, Kazakh Eye Research Institute (1/3 year of Residency)
2014-2016: MD, Surgery, S.D.Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University
2009-2014: Bachelor of Medicine (BM), S.D.Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University
Research interests
Research Topics and Related Projects
Thesis: Evaluation of the potential for optical coherence tomography (OCT) to detect early signs of retinal damage in glaucoma.
The aim is to evaluate the potential for OCT, a commonly used imaging technique in eye care to detect these early signs of retinal damage. Current commercially available devices are not suitable for this task since they digitally filter and discard the optical signals that will arise from changes in the organisation of cellular organelles. These organelles cannot be imaged individually by OCT, but collectively, they generate optic signals (image texture) that provide surrogate, quantitative measurements of neuronal integrity.
I would conduct the clinical and analytic aspects of the study, applying texture algorithms to OCT images acquired from patient with glaucoma using our in house customised OCT. The project will provide me with excellent training in the conduct of clinical studies and the application of quantitative methods for the analysis of OCT images as well as visual field data
Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarships for Research Excellence, Cardiff University
Jun 2015 – Jul 2015 Kazakh Eye Research Institute (Department of Postgraduate Education)
Jan 2015 – Sep 2016 Almaty Medical College (Department of Surgery, Ophthalmology)
Sep 2016 – Sep 2017 S.D.Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University (Department of Ophthalmology)

Dr Julie Albon
Senior Lecturer, Deputy Director of Research, Optic Nerve Head Group Leader, HTA Person designate for Cathays Park HTA satellite licence