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Phanupong Thumnong

Mr Phanupong Thumnong

Research student

School of English, Communication and Philosophy


Phanupong Thumnong (Cody) is currently a PhD student in Centre for Language and Communication Research. His primary research interests include (critical) discourse analysis in public and professional domains, especially in cross-cultural contexts. 

Academic backgound:

  • MA in Language and Communication Research, Cardiff University, UK (2022)
    Disssertation title: Representation of OnlyFans and its Content Creators in the British and Thai News Media: A Cross-linguistic Corpus-assisted Discourse Analysis
  • MA in English, Khon Kaen University, Thailand (2017)
    Thesis title: An Analysis of Job Application Letters Written by ASEAN Applicants: Move Analysis, Move Strategies, and Politeness Strategies
  • BA in Business English, Khon Kaen University, Thailand (2009)

His current research explores the representation of LGBTQ+ community and global commodity brands in their 'queer-friendly' marketing campaigns. 


Phanupong's main research interests include:
- (critical) discourse analysis
- corpus-assisted discourse analysis (CADS)
- (critical) genre analysis
- Media representation 

His interests also expand into: 
- Technology in English language teaching 
- English for specific purposes (ESP) 


Journal articles
- Tongpoon-Patanasorn, A., & Thumnong, P. (2020). Move and Politeness Strategies in Job Application Letters in ASEAN Contexts. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 13(2), 105-125.

Conference Papers & Proceedings
- Thumnong, P. (2020). English Language Students' Perceptions of Interchanged Application of Face-to-Face and Synchronous Virtual Classrooms. Proceedings of The IAFOR Southeast Asian Conference on Education 2020, 7-9 February 2020, Singapore, 99-112.
- Thumnong, P. and Tongpoon-Patanasorn, A. (2017). A Genre Analysis of Job Application Letters written by ASEAN Applicants. Proceedings of The Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2017, 26-29 March 2017, Kobe, Japan, pp. 345-355.


Commodification and Marketization of the LGBTQ+ community: Critical discourse analysis of queer-friendly marketing campaigns

My project analyzes the representation of the LGBTQ+ community and global commodity brands in their ‘queer-friendly’ marketing campaigns. Different modes of LGBTQ+-inclusive advertising commercials form the data for analysis. Drawing upon the approaches of critical discourse analysis and queer linguistics, I aim to reveal how the LGBTQ+ identities are linguistically and multimodally represented as social actors in the campaigns in relation to the notions of gender binarisms, hetero-/homo-normativity, and intersectionality. In addition, I aim to explore how campaign producers (i.e., brands) linguistically and multimodally associate themselves as agents with the LGBTQ+ community in their marketing campaigns. The findings will reveal to what extent global commodity brands uphold or challenge the hetero-/homo-normativity and sexual (and intersectional) marginalization in their ‘queer-friendly’ marketing campaigns, and explore whether these brands can be said to exploit the concepts of queerbaiting and rainbow capitalism in capitalist society. 


Amanda Potts

Amanda Potts

Senior Lecturer