Architects consult with the Grangetown community on pavilion plans
4 October 2017

On the 9 September the professional team, Cardiff University and key community partners Grange Pavilion Project and Grangetown Community Action, presented suggested designs for the Grange Pavilion to local residents at a public consultation.
Alongside presenting the plans, the team also provided a pair of virtual reality glasses that were used to give people a full 360 degree view of the proposed developments to buildings and grounds and a scale model was used to demonstrate the proposal in three dimensions. Information was captured from local people through photographs, comments, on post-it notes and written comments on the printed drawings.

The consultation was attended by 48 members of the community and the findings were extremely valuable to the ongoing development of the plans for the Grange Pavilion. Suggestions included bike racks, sports facilities, large meeting rooms, a kitchenette and externally accessible lockable storage spaces. One of the residents suggested:
"The north side of the pavilion needs to be welcoming and have some relationship with the MUGA - it needs to help make the pathway to the north of the building feel more civic and not like an alleyway. It is also important for all areas to be accessible for all - a ramp to the green would be a very welcome addition"
There was also some concern expressed about materials and the need to be appropriately compatible with the local materials/colours and the Victorian nature of the park.
The consultation was very successful with no objections in principle to the development plans. The overall concept for the pavilion was very well received, particularly when seen in virtual reality. The feedback from the consultation has now been fed into Community Gateway's application to Stage 2 of the Big Lottery Fund bid, with the results of the application due in February 2018.
For more information on the development of Grange Pavilion or to get involved, please contact