Celebrations and farewells at Graduation
19 July 2017

Cardiff University’s School of Welsh Graduation ceremony and reception was held on Monday 17 July 2017.
St David’s Hall, in the heart of the city, was the location for the ceremony while the reception followed in the Council Chamber of the University’s Main Building. A delicious buffet was available for the new graduates and their families as they celebrated this major milestone.
This year the School was celebrating the success of 36 undergraduate and postgraduate students. Six undergraduates received a First Class Honours degree while 11 students were presented for an MA in Welsh and Celtic Studies and four for PhD awards.
During the reception, Professor Sioned Davies, Head of the School of Welsh, presented the GJ Williams Memorial Prizes which were awarded to three undergraduate students. The prizes are given in honour of the noted scholar who lectured at Cardiff University for 36 years at the beginning of the last century. They recognise the academic achievement and final degree results of the winning students.
This year’s recipients, from an exceptional cohort, were Erin Ynyr, Bethan Morgan and Mared Harries. The three students were enthusiastic and conscientious members of the School’s community during their studies and have a bright future ahead of them, along with the reminder of the Class of 2017.
Professor Davies said: “I would like to congratulate Erin, Bethan and Mared. They are very deserving of this honour and I wish them well as they step outside of the University’s walls and begin a new chapter in their lives.
“Graduation day is a very special occasion for the students and their families but also for us as a School. We are a close and friendly School and the staff take a keen interest in the stories and successes of the students. We look forward to keeping in touch and hearing about new developments in their professional lives.”

Many of the School’s graduates, undergraduate and postgraduate, have already secured jobs or are on the verge of undertaking further study which once again proves the School’s excellent track record in promoting and encouraging employability skills fit for a modern Wales.
The graduation ceremony and reception marked the end of a chapter in the School’s history. After 20 years as Head of School, Sioned Davies is stepping aside and beginning a year of research leave at the end of July. Dr Dylan Foster Evans follows her as Head of School. During the reception, Dr Foster Evans spoke about Sioned’s exceptional contribution to the School, the University and Welsh scholarship. Sioned was presented with a gift, from staff and students, in the form of a poem composed by Dr Llion Pryderi Roberts, one of the School’s lecturers.