Soundscape party celebrates the sounds of Grangetown
30 May 2017

The Grangetown Soundscape Party took place at the Grange Pavilion on Thursday 25th May and was the culmination of a ten month University-led citizen science project called 'Environmental Crowdsensing', delivered in partnership with the National Museum of Wales and Artstation.
The aim of the project as a whole was to engage local Grangetown residents in environmental monitoring such as collecting air quality data, water quality data, conducting lichen surveys, bird surveys and much more. One of the aims of the project, led by Artstation in partnership with Elmono, a local sound mixer, was mapping the sounds of Grangetown and turning them into dance music to present back to the community. Residents could hear the recordings they had made on the streets of Grangetown turned into dance beats while other Soundscape Party attendees tried to figure out where the sound was recorded, identifying the location on a map of Grangetown.

Lynne Thomas, Community Gateway Project Manager, said: "The Environmental Crowdsensing project has brought science to the citizens in an engaging and creative way, making a sometimes scary subject easy to understand and enjoyable. The Soundscape Party, with its funky dance beats made from everyday sounds of Grangetown, was a great and fitting way to end the current phase of the project. I've thoroughly enjoyed seeing this project develop over the last year and, along with Grangetown residents, look forward to phase two."