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Sustainability Focus 2015

4 February 2015

Get involved in a debate about the future of food

What does a sustainable food future really mean and how do we make it real? That's the question being tackled the University's Sustainability Week debate.

Taking place on Thursday 5th March 2015, 'The future of our food - what needs to be on the menu?' will be a lively and engaging debate that will explore the issues of how to create a sustainable food future.  

Bringing together a range of academics and practitioners from the food sector, the event will consider the opportunities and challenges facing our food system and how do we make sustainable food a reality.   

Professor Terry Marsden of the University's Sustainable Places Research Institute which is hosting the debate said: "The world's food production systems face a great balancing act. To meet different out needs, it must simultaneously produce far more food for a population expected to reach about 9.6 billion by 2050, provide economic opportunities for the hundreds of millions of rural poor who depend on agriculture for their livelihoods, and reduce environmental impacts, including ecosystem degradation and high greenhouse gas emissions. 

"Here at the Sustainable Places Research Institute we are working on sustainability issues in locations all around the world, some in relation to food. Our leading researchers will bring their knowledge and cutting-edge research to what we hope will be an informative and entertaining event."

The event is held on Thursday 5th March 2015 as part of the University's annual Sustainability Week (23rd February – 6 March 2015) which aims to showcase world-leading research and give staff, students and the wider community a chance to  contribute to discussions on the subject of sustainability.

Tickets are free but must be booked in advance. The debate starts at 6.30pm (drinks reception from 5.30pm) in Committee Rooms 1 and 2 of the Glamorgan Building.

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