Pharmacy represented at 15th Medical Biodefense Conference
12 May 2016

The Baillie lab of the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences was well represented at the 15th Medical Biodefense Conference which was recently held in Munich Germany.
Prof Les Baillie and Dr Tina Joshi from Cardiff and there collaborators from across Europe made sure that the Welsh dragon was well represented at this conference which was attended by over 500 delegates.
In addition to chairing one of the sessions and giving an invited oral presentation on human immune responses to anthrax in Turkey, team Cardiff also featured on seven posters one of which was awarded second prize out of 195 posters from more than 40 different countries. The poster was entitled 'The efficient removal of anthrax toxin from human blood using monoclonal antibodies immobilized on a disposable polymeric cryogel' and the lead author was Dr Ganesh Ingavle from the university of Brighton.